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Holiday Wishes Kids Have Vs. Holiday Wishes Adults Have

Everyone wishes for a wonderful holiday. But as we get older, our specific holiday wishes... shift. Participate in the wishing season by submitting your own selfless wish here or using #WishesDelivered.

1. Kids: I want it to snow for days and days!

Adults: I want it to snow just enough to make the kids smile, and then I want it to stop.

2. Kids: I want to eat all of the cookies!

Adults: I want all the cookies but one to disappear so that I'm not tempted by them.

3. Kids: I want a beautiful tree!

Adults: I want a beautiful tree, but I want it to be the healthiest tree in the world that will never dry out.

4. Kids: I want to eat mashed potatoes for dinner every night.

Adults: I want Uncle Al to please not talk about politics at dinner.

5. Kids: I want an amazing present for every night of Hanukkah this year.

Adults: I want the kids to be careful lighting the menorah this year.

6. Kids: I want everyone to wake up at 6 a.m. sharp on Christmas morning!

Adults: I want the kids to please, somehow, sleep until at least 6:15.

7. Kids: I want to love all of my presents!

Adults: I want the kids to love all of their presents.