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11 Kids Share Their Favourite Lunchbox Snacks And Their Responses Are So Interesting

Kids are the authority on snacks — obviously.

If there's one thing I've learnt as a mum, it's that inspiration can dry out fast when it comes to packed lunches. And to add to that pressure, our kids (bless them and their freedom of expression) know very well what they like — and er, don't like.

1. Ice-slushy drinks that thaw out from frozen — probably the most genius snack of all.

2. Bliss-balls keep bellies full and taste de-lish.

3. Cheese sticks and veggie shapes rule — even when the kids get bigger.

4. Is popcorn the undisputed queen of snack food? We believe so.

5. Crunchy lavosh crackers make the best dippers. Fact.

6. Mini fruit salads can be an absolute treat — pop the pieces onto sticks.

7. Nut-free trail-mix biscuits ROCK.

8. Snacks the kids can rustle up themselves are a total win — like easy pikelets.

9. Make a big batch of sweet or savoury muffins and stick them in the freezer.

10. ALWAYS find space in the lunchbox for tasty leftovers.

11. And finally, crunchy potato wedges that are so good you have to hide them from friends.

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