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    11 ½ Reasons To Go On UJS Birthright This Summer

    Birthright Israel - a FREE ten-day trip to the Holy Land, courtesy of Taglit-Birthright and UJIA. Why should you go with UJS? Let us tell you...

    1. The dates

    We know that there is a lot of pressure on students in the summer to get a job or internship but you shouldn’t have to choose between that and having fun. The dates of UJS Birthright are 18-28 June, meaning you can have the trip of a lifetime and still have time to do other things afterwards.

    2. It’s exclusively for students

    3. It’s free!

    Student loans just about cover rent, food, nights out (and of course your J-Soc ball ticket), so you shouldn’t have to stress about funding your summer holidays too. Birthright Israel is totally free, gifted to you by Taglit-Birthright, UJIA and UJS, so you can have a fantastic summer and stay out of your overdraft to do it.

    4. We’re dividing the buses by region…

    5. … But there’ll also be chances to see friends from around the country

    Just cos you went to Notts and your best mate went to St Andrews doesn’t mean you should be kept apart in the Holy Land. Have no fear, we’ll be bringing the different regions together during the trip!

    6. We know the BEST places to get food

    7. We won’t bore you with things you might have done before

    8. We know you need down time too

    9. It’s really, truly, totally cross-communal

    You might have seen our recent post about how we’re always working to make UJS more inclusive. Israel is a country for all Jews no matter where you’d put yourself on the spectrum of denominations or how observant you are or aren’t – likewise, the UJS Birthright trip is for ALL Jewish students. With UJS, everyone is catered for, from the kosher food to the different types of Shabbat services.

    10. You might find a Shidduch

    11. You can stay for longer if you want to.

    11.5 It’s free!!

    Yep, we know we said this before – that’s why it’s only a half-point – but to be honest, it’s too great to only say it once. UJS Birthright is absolutely, totally, 100% free (not including your own spending money), thanks to the generosity of Taglit-Birthright and UJIA.

    Find out more about this incredible opportunity and register your interest now.

    Click here to start your Birthright journey!