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Do You Drive With Uber? Tell Us What You Love Most About It!

They say to do what you love...and you love to drive!

Driving has always been a fave pastime of yours and — lucky you — you've picked up a side hustle doing just that!

So people who drive with Uber, we want to know: What is it you love the most about it?

Maybe it's going to new and exciting places, even if that just means dropping off or picking up a rider in a neighborhood you don't venture to often.

What about making your own schedule and driving on your own time?

Perhaps you've discovered some new bops when riders played their music — and you added them to your own playlist ASAP.

Or you've never met a stranger and love chatting with riders?

Tell us your favorite part about being an Uber driver-partner in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!

Just a heads-up — anything you send us is covered by the regular BuzzFeed User Terms.