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Call Me A Killer Of Spontaneity, But Here's Why Life Is Better When You Live By Reservations

Book ahead to get ahead, people.

We all know that living life in ~the spur of the moment~ makes for some fun memories.

And look, I get it — "winging it" brings your life a certain adventurous flair. But on the flip-side, your lack of planning can epically backfire, landing you in the worst places: like long queues, second rate venues, or in a deep, dark pit of regret.

So, take it from me, there's a strong case for living by the rule of Making Reservations. And it's definitely the right one to choose if you want to avoid the dreaded FOMO on a regular basis.

Because what's worse than FOMO? I'll tell you, friends: straight-up MO. Why risk missing out on the most epic experiences — ones you'll treasure for life — just because you didn't plan ahead? Label me type A, but it makes zero sense.

Don't get me wrong — spontaneity has its moments, but what's far more satisfying is getting ahead of the game. Flashing an early bird ticket; jumping the queue; securing a great seat; or strolling in to the most sought-after concerts, festivals and restaurants that always get booked up. These moments feel gooood. And yes, people, there will be smugness.

Let's face it, if your reservation game is strong, you're that person everyone wants to be. Always en route to the hottest movies, exhibitions, museums, dinner dates, mini-breaks, and probably enjoying stress-free travel to get there. And no doubt scheduling your ride in advance with Uber Reserve — because that's just good sense.

With Uber Reserve, you can cut the stress of getting to your pre-planned event or appointment by scheduling your ride up to 90 days in advance through the Uber app. It's idiot-proof.

Your driver will even wait between 5–15 minutes after your scheduled pick-up time* without any extra charge to your fare. Always a comfort when you reach the door and decide you're gonna switch outfits for the eleventh time.

There are ride options to suit different budgets and occasions too, so you can tailor a ride to your type of trip. Need it to be budget-friendly? No problemo. Fancy a bit of luxury on your journey for a special night? Totes fine. Plus, when you're taking a flight, there's a special feature for getting home from the airport too.

So while you're making allll the reservations and planning all the good times (remember, 'Reservations, not regrets', people), don’t forget to schedule your Uber Reserve rides to get you where you need to be. It's a game-changer! Find out more here.

*Wait times include 5 minutes for UberX and UberXL, 10 minutes for Uber Comfort and 15 minutes for Uber Premier.

** You can reserve a premium ride 90 days to 30 minutes in advance at Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney airports.