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    I'm Terrified In America

    The moment Trump won the election I felt completely violated and invalidated. Like someone had just said, "It's ok to sexually harass/assault/rape women." While sexual harassment, assault, and rape happen to men too, Donald Trump has openly glorified the act with this so called 'locker room talk.' It is not okay to "grab her by the pussy" if you feel like it. It's not okay to kiss a woman because you want to. You aren't owed anything. No means NO! I live in Texas, a wonderful and glorious state, that is unfortunately filled with too many men still in belief that it is ok to coerce a woman into performing a sexual act as a means of reciprocation for paying for a date. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on a date and the guy felt it was okay to put his arm around me, touch my butt, kiss me, or try to pressure me into having sex with him. It disgusts me to think about, and afterwards I feel filthy and disgusting. It took me a long time for me to finally be okay with my close friends and family giving me hugs (It was in high school it became bearable). So when a guy I just met wants to hug me I usually feel uncomfortable and do that one arm half-hug thing to appease him. I have been raised to make other people happy. But at what cost? When a man who has been accused of, and admitted to, sexually harassing and assaulting several women is elected president truly proves that men can get away with it. We live in a time where rape culture is a thing. IT IS NOT OKAY. IT IS NEVER OKAY. IT WILL NEVER BE OKAY. Why do we teach women how to protect themselves, but not boys and men about consent? It really boggles my mind. We need to shout messages about consent everywhere on full blast. We need to take measures now. Because in the last 24 hours alone the sexist, racist, and homophobic communities have started coming out of hiding. And no one is safe. My Guidelines for Consent: - It is never okay to touch another human being without asking first. - Respect their decision when they say no and stay in your own bubble of personal space. - You don't have to have or give a reason for not wanting to be touched. You just have to say no. - No never means yes. Sure and okay do not mean Yes. And sometimes yes won't mean yes. - It is okay to say no at any time, even mid-intercourse. - If at any point someone says no, you need to stop. You shouldn't make them feel bad, or pressure them saying "I'm almost done" because you're done now. - Just because someone says no does not mean they do not like you (sometimes it will), they simply do not want to partake or be touched. - No means no. Stop means stop. Get off means get off. Get out means get out. - Accept and respect their decision; there is never a reason to name call, demean, or insult someone because they said no. I know there are many more people who are afraid for various reasons because Trump is president. Please remember that we elected others in a variety of positions to protect our progress and rights as an American people. We must trust that they will work hard to maintain our current rights, and hopefully so we can continue to make more progress. I am lucky enough to have a beautifully diverse group of friends. And each one of them deserves the right to feel safe. The LGBTQ, hispanic, african-american, muslim/arabic, women, immigrants, etc. and any other minority group that Trump has verbally threatened/insulted/offended you deserve to feel safe just as much as the conservative, white man and/or republican. Remember to love your neighbors, but stand your ground if need be and stand up for each other. Spread words of hope and love and support of each other. Hold onto your rights, hold onto each other. We will persevere. <3

    Full and original blog post here