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    Truth Squad 2020 - Top 200 List

    These "Top 200" highlights are from Fred Karger's historic 2 1/2 year full-time campaign for president as the first major-party openly gay candidate to run. We’re calling it the Good, the Rad and the Ugly. Check them out!! Think you’ll agree that Fred was a serious, major and often viable candidate for president when he ran in the 2012 GOP Primaries.

    1. Sir David Frost thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he interviewed him in May of 2012

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    In 1977 Sir David Frost was the first journalist to interview Richard Nixon after his resignation. 35 years later he interviewed Fred Karger and said, "The US has the first openly gay candidate from a major political party to make a bid for the White House" Watch the full interview here.

    2. Rachel Maddow thought Fred was a serious candidate for president, she interviewed and featured Fred on her show 5 times

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    Rachel Maddow had Fred as a guest on her #1 rated MSNBC show many times during his campaign and would always introduce Fred as "the first openly gay candidate for president of the United States."

    3. The Associated Press thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when they covered him signing up to be on the New Hampshire GOP Primary ballot

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    Associated Press

    New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner welcomed Fred as the first in person candidate to enter the NH Presidential Primary on October 17, 2011.

    4. CBS News thought Fred was a major candidate for president - they interviewed him several times in their Washington, DC studios

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    CBS News

    Nancy Cordes, CBS News' Chief Congressional Correspondent interviewed Fred the day he filed for president on March 23, 2011.

    5. This year Politico made sure that America knew Fred was the first major openly gay candidate to run for president

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    Eugene Daniels interviewed Fred in New York on all the challenges he faced running as the first openly gay major-party candidate in history and doing so in the Republican primaries in 2012.

    6. National Pollsters knew Fred was a viable presidential candidate when they included him as one of 11 GOP candidates in their national and state polling

    7. The Big Think thought Fred was a serious candidate for president

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    Fred was one of a select group of politicians interviewed by Big Think in 2011, including President Jimmy Carter.

    8. The media thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he beat Mitt Romney and Donald Trump in the first New Hampshire straw poll St. Anselm Straw Poll

    9. Steve Scheffler, Iowa's #2 Republican, thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when he attacked him and threatened to "abort" his historic campaign

    10. MSNBC's Thomas Roberts knew Fred was a serious candidate for President when he interviewed him early on and called him the "anti-Romney candidate"

    11. Newsweek's 2019 interview of Fred confirmed that he was the first major openly gay candidate to run for president

    12. The Los Angeles Times thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when veteran political reporter Mark Barabak did a major profile on Fred

    13. The Jerusalem Post thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when it ran this big front-page story on Fred's historic visit to Israel in May 2011

    14. The Iowa Pork Produces knew Fred was a viable candidate for president when they invited him to grill and serve pork chops at the Iowa State Fair in August 2011

    15. Karen Ocamb and Frontiers Magazine thought Fred was a serious candidate for president from day one

    16. Buzzfeed thought Fred was a serious presidential candidate when they did this retrospective on his historic campaign

    17. RNC Chairman Michael Steele thought Fred was a major presidential candidate when Fred introduced himself as the gay Shirley Chisholm

    18. Iowa's #1 station WHO-TV thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they did a big story profiling Rick Santorum and Fred, the first two candidates to attend the all-important Iowa State Fair in August 2010

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    WHO's Political reporter Dave Price did this great story on Fred and Rick as they both campaigned in Iowa. Rick went on to finish 2nd and Fred finished 9th out of the 11 major candidates running for the GOP nomination in 2012.

    19. Radio host Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio knew Fred was a viable candidate for president when he interviewed him during the California Primary

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    Bryan, of the Alt-Right American Family Association, conducted a fascinating 30-minute interview with Fred, referring to him as a "homosexual rights advocate running for president."

    20. RT thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed him on many occasions

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    Fred discussed a wide array of issues including health care reform, the economy and foreign policy during his many interviews on RT. Watch this one from the Alyona Show hosted by Alyona Minkovski.

    21. Utah based Politic thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed him in Salt Lake City during the Utah GOP Primary

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    Fred was the last GOP candidate standing to take on eventual nominee Mitt Romney in the final contest, the June 26, 2012 Utah Primary,

    22. Peter Fox, writing for Tablet Magazine knew Fred was a major candidate for president when he did this great 2019 story on his historic campaign

    23. WHO-Radio's Jan Mickelson, Iowa's #1 conservative talk-radio show host, thought Fred was a viable presidential candidate when he had him on his show six times, all for the full hour, between 2010 and 2012

    24. Mother Jones' Stephanie Mencimer called Fred the "frontrunner" after his upset victory in the first straw poll in New Hampshire

    25. The Des Moines Register thought Fred was a major candidate for president, the all-important Iowa newspaper covered his historic campaign more than any other

    26. The Agence France-Presse, the world's oldest news agency, thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed Fred from his home in Laguna Beach, CA

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    Hundreds of international journalists interviewed Fred during his historic run. News of Fred's campaign for president of the United States, as the first openly gay major-party candidate to do so, was covered all over the world.

    27. New Hampshire Primary voters knew Fred was a serious candidate for president when they cast their ballots for him and he got more votes than Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

    28. NBC TV in Grand Rapids, Michigan thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when they interviewed him during the Michigan Primary

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    Fred's place on the February 28, 2012 Michigan ballot, led the Karger campaign to base in East Lansing and campaign all over the state, often running into favorite son, Mitt Romney.

    29. Stephen Sackur, host of BBC's HARDtalk thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when he interviewed Fred on his revered show at the BBC Studios in London

    30. Anabel Muñoz of KABC TV in Los Angeles thought Fred was a major candidate for president when she interviewed him this year on his historic candidacy and his full support for Pete Buttigieg video

    31. GOP Voters in Puerto Rico thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when they cast more votes for Fred than top tier candidate Congressman Ron Paul

    32. Feministing showed Fred was a serious, pro-choice Republican presidential candidate when they interviewed him

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    Fred was the sole GOP candidate running for president to attend the MoveOn annual conference in Las Vegas in 2010. Watch this great interview on his attempt to help bring the Republican Party back to its roots.

    33. Fred showed that he was not only a serious candidate for president, but a prudent one. His campaign never went into debt, like many of his GOP opponents

    34. The London based Guardian profiled Fred as a major American presidential candidate and asked him to write seven Op-Ed for its International Edition

    35. Fred showed he was a very serious candidate for president when he aired the very first presidential campaign commercial all over New Hampshire beginning on September 18, 2010

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    Fred's biographical commercial, "Good Morning New Hampshire" was well received by voters in the Granite State, journalists and soon went viral. It was upbeat and funny and was a harbinger of many more innovative commercials to come. Fred's 20 different state specific commercials made news, helping the Karger campaign gain a lot of earned media.

    36. Fred also ran the first presidential campaign commercial in Iowa, "Independence Day" making him a very serious candidate for president

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    The New York Times, Politico and media all over Iowa reported on Fred's bi-partisan appeal in his upbeat commercial that ran in all six Iowa media markets. The ad was previewed at a packed Des Moines press conference on November 23, 2010. Because of all the coverage the commercial received, Fred was soon considered a major candidate for president.

    37. Amy Walter and Rick Klein of ABC News "Top Line" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed him live from ABC Studios in New York

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    Fred discusses crazy Michele Bachmann, the reaction from GOP national leaders to his historic candidacy and the nasty threat he received from Iowa GOP National Committeeman Steve Scheffler on his first ABC interview.

    38. "Real World - DC" star and openly gay celebrity Mike Manning thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he endorsed Fred and encouraged his supporters to learn more about his historic candidacy

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    Mike made this popular video to show at Fred's Washington, DC reception at the famous Duplex Diner. Mike attended many of Fred's fundraisers and campaign events all around the country.

    39. Fox News 40 in Sacramento thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they had him as a guest on their popular morning show four times.

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    Fred first did this remote interview with veteran FOX morning host Paul Robbins and was told they would love to have him on the show whenever he was in Sacramento. Fred took them up on their offer.

    40. FOX News Radio host, the late Alan Colmes, thought Fred was a serious candidate for president

    41. Rachel Maddow thought Fred was a major candidate for president and always listed him as one of the eleven major Republican presidential candidates running in 2012

    42. The Des Moines Register thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they invited him to be one of the eleven major GOP candidates to speak on their famous "Soapbox" at the Iowa State Fair

    43. All of Puerto Rico's TV stations and newspapers thought Fred was a viable candidate for president

    44. The Detroit Free Press thought Fred was a major candidate with this front-page story

    45. New Hampshire TV Station WMUR thought Fred was a serious candidate for president

    46. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he interviewed on his show "The Last Word"

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    When Fred was competing in the California Primary, he was a guest on "The Last Word," where he took questions about the firing of openly gay foreign policy advisor Ric Grenell by the Mitt Romney campaign.

    47. The Keene Sentinel thought Fred was a major candidate for president

    48. Comedy Central thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they invited him to be a guest on its popular show "Indecision"

    49. The North Carolina Republican Party Chairman refused to allow Fred's name to appear on the NC Primary Ballot

    50. The Orange County Weekly thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they ran this cover story on his historic campaign

    51. MSNBC's Chris Matthews thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he invited him to play "Hardball" and be a guest on his popular evening interview show

    52. Fred's groundbreaking California commercial "Sexy Frisbee" showed he was a serious candidate for president. The ad was the first to feature a kiss by a same-sex couple and the spot "Sexy Frisbee" went viral after YouTube took it down and then put it back up six hours later

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    Andrew and Michael were two of ten participants in this fun, sexy commercial shot at Venice Beach. The 30-second ad features Fred discussing issues and his door-to-door grassroots campaign. The spot ran in twelve media markets all over California.

    53. Dartmouth College thought Fred was a very serious candidate for President when they invited him to speak at the Rockefeller Center during Gay Pride Week in 2010

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    Watch Fred's detailed speech to Dartmouth students entitled, "Where have all the moderates gone?"

    54. Millions of Michigan voters thought Fred was a major candidate for president when his campaign ad “Let's Make History” aired on TV all over Michigan

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    Fred was the only moderate Republican running for president in 2012 and this commercial reflects his centrist's positions.

    55. FOX News thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he qualified for the second FOX News Debate in Ames, Iowa

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    Fred qualified for the debate, but then FOX News wouldn't let him in. Many felt that front runner Mitt Romney gave FOX executives Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes an ultimatum, if Fred's in, I'm out.

    56. If allowed on the debate stage, Fred would have shown all that he's a serious candidate by reminding them about the American Spirit.

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    Fred Karger had been shut out of the Republican Debates even though he has qualified for some. Here's how these debates would look if the former aide to Ronald was allowed to be on the stage.

    57. On the debate stage, Fred was ready to prove he was a major candidate by sharing his "Jobs Now!" plan

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    Here's how these debates would look if the former aide to Ronald was allowed to be on the stage to discuss his "Jobs Now!" plan to get people back to work.

    58. Puerto Rican voters thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when Fred ran a Spanish language campaign commercial that aired in San Juan for the week before the Primary titled “Hola, Puerto Rico”

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    Watch this great 30-second commercial that ran in Puerto Rico during the GOP Primary and helped Fred beat established candidate Congressman Ron Paul.

    59. The Mormon Church thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he took on the Church in this controversial commercial that ran on television all over Utah titled "Stop the Hate"

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    When Utah has 6 times the attempted teen suicide rate of any other state, it's time to take on the reason why the homophobic actions of Mormon Church leaders.

    60. Watch Fred take on opponent Mitt Romney in this commercial, referring to him as "Pee-Wee Romney" for firing Ric Grenell, his openly gay foreign policy advisor

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    Ric Grenell is now America's Ambassador to Germany and is doing an incredible job.

    61. Texas Governor Rick Perry thought Fred was a major candidate for president when Fred shamed him for his ad attacking LGBTQ service members

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    Fred's spoof of Rick Perry and his hateful commercial got thousands of views and lots of news coverage.

    62. CNN's Candy Crowley thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when the two met at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference. Watch her on this short video about people's reaction to Fred's historic candidacy

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    CNN's then chief political correspondent hosts this great video filmed on the day Fred announced his run in New Orleans.

    63. "The New Gay" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed him at Netroots Nation

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    Fred attended hundreds of political events during his 2 1/2 year run for president. Progressive Netroots Nation was pleasantly surprised that a Republican presidential candidate would come to its annual gathering in Las Vegas.

    64. "PATV" of Iowa thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed him

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    Fred did thousands of interviews all over the US and the world, but especially in Iowa and New Hampshire.

    65. Exxon-Mobil and its CEO Rex Tillerson thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he took them on and Big Oil with this hard-hitting commercial

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    Watch Fred's popular commercial, "Tyrannosaurus Rex," made when gas prices set a record high and Exxon-Mobil was making record profits.

    66. "The Iowa Independent" knew Fred was a major candidate for president when they covered Fred's speech on energy while on a visit to Iowa State University in Ames

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    Fred was asked lots of policy questions by students ranging from energy to the economy to foreign policy. This video captures Fred's great exchange with students.

    67. New Hampshire's WMUR TV thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed him after a speech he gave at Dartmouth College

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    New Hampshire has one major television station, WMUR, and Fred was on it probably more than any other candidate running for president in 2012.

    68. "The Times of Israel" though Fred was a serious candidate for president when they did a major profile on his historic campaign

    69. Dartmouth College thought Fred was a major candidate for president when the Gay Straight Alliance invited him to speak on campus - watch it here

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    70. Host David Pakman thought Fred was a very serious candidate for president when he interviewed Fred on his radio show

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    Watch Fred take on opponent Michele Bachmann and her homophobic husband Marcus, whom he refers to as "Lady Bird Bachmann" in this upbeat interview.

    71. New Hampshire gay veteran Bob Garon, who had just taken on Mitt Romney on gay rights, thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they met in Manchester and visited on this fun video

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    Bob became a supporter of Fred's and helped celebrate his historic candidacy with his husband, Bob Leimere. Both attended the election night party held at Fred's New Hampshire White House.

    72. Brian Brown and his Hate Group the National Organization for Marriage thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when Fred took on NOM as it tried and failed miserably to repeal marriage equality in New Hampshire

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    Watch this strong commercial, that ran all over New Hampshire, showing Fred taking on NOM and NOM head Brian Brown for their underhanded opposition to the freedom to marry.

    73. Tens of thousands of people thought Fred was a major candidate for president after they saw his documentary, "FRED" which appeared at film festivals all over the U.S.

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    Now you can watch this very fun, well-made, interesting, how-to-run for president, 60-minute documentary by award-winning filmmaker John Fitzgerald Keitel. It's up on YouTube for free!

    74. 500 hundred Concord New Hampshire High School students thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they relived his historic campaign while watching "FRED," the documentary by John Fitzgerald Keitel

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    Fred and his campaign team returned to New Hampshire to screen "FRED" all over the Granite State during the summer of 2014.

    75. CNN i-Reports' Chris Morrow thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when she traveled to New Orleans in 2010 to cover his historic announcement

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    Chris Morrow was one of the most-watched producers on the newly launched CNN i-Reports format and covered much of Fred's historic campaign for president.

    76. President Jimmy Carter thought that Fred was a serious candidate for president when the "Big Think" interviewed him about the possibility of an openly gay president like Fred Karger

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    President Carter's interview and all the news coverage from it led to Fred's interview on "Big Think." President Carter said that "it was likely that America would elect a gay president."

    77. Michael McIntee of "UpTake" thought Fred was a major candidate for president with this early interview of Fred at Netroots Nation

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    Fred attended the very progressive NetRoots Nation annual conference in Las Vegas in 2010.

    78. "Crypto Corner News" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president with this interesting interview

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    Fred was always accessible and was grateful for the chance to share his views on the important issues of the day.

    79. "San Diego County News" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed delegates to the California Republican Convention about his candidacy

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    Fred wasn't even invited to attend his home state GOP semi-annual convention but preserved and finally was invited to speak by the Party Chair.

    80. Spanish Language "AFP-ES News" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered him during a day of campaigning in Laguna Beach

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    Fred campaigned aggressively all over California when he was competing in his home state Primary.

    81. The "New York Times" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when it made sure to set the record straight in 2019 reaffirming the fact that Fred was the first openly gay major-party candidate to run for president

    82. California Secretary of State Debra Bowen thought Fred was a major candidate for president when she included Fred as one of only six candidates to appear on the June 5, 2012 GOP Primary ballot

    83. The Florida Republican Party thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when Fred followed through with a national Boycott of Florida Orange Juice after Florida moved its primary ahead of New Hampshire's

    84. "The Times of London" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when it ran a feature story on his historic campaign and Pete Buttigieg's tribute to Fred

    85. "FOX News" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they regularly included him on their newscasts and in their polling

    86. "The Georgia Voice" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they included his “Sexy Frisbee” commercial in it's weekly video

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    The "Sexy Frisbee" commercial that ran only in California, featured the first gay kiss ever in a presidential campaign commercial and was covered by news organizations all over the world.

    87. "Think Progress" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed Fred about his historic campaign

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    Watch this great interview with Fred by the highly respected "Think Progress," a progressive news website founded over a decade ago.

    88. Veteran CBS Newsman and "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when the two first met in his office at CBS News in Washington, DC

    89. Voice Actor Ben Patrick Johnson thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he called New Hampshire voters asking them to vote for Fred

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    Fred's campaign enlisted volunteers all over the country to make get-out-the-vote calls for Fred.

    90. AOL's national news organization "Patch" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when reporter Rich Kane covered his campaign fundraiser in Laguna Beach

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    Fred held many fundraisers all over the country. This one was attended by Hollywood celebrities, the Mayor of Laguna Beach and several other dignitaries.

    91. "Iowa Watch" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed him after his Des Moines press conference

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    Watch this insightful interview with Fred right after he screened his new Iowa commercial to a packed Des Moines press conference.

    92. Opponent Newt Gingrich thought Fred was a major candidate for president when Fred was tied with the former Speaker of the House in several national polls

    93. Billionaire Sheldon Adelson thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he hosted Fred and the other GOP candidates at the Republican Jewish Coalition's Annual Conference in Las Vegas

    94. "The Hollywood Reporter" knew Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered his historic campaign and Fred's support for 2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg

    95. "The Rubin Report" on The Young Turks thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when host Dave Rubin had Fred as a guest on his show

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    Dave interviewed Fred many times during his historic campaign when he was the co-host of the "Ben & Dave Show" on Sirius XM Radio.

    96. "That's So Gay Live" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed him at the California Republican Party Convention

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    Fred was not even embraced by the Log Cabin Republicans, with the exception of a few local chapters, because of his more centrist views.

    97. "News 8" in Michigan thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed Fred right before the Michigan primary

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    Fred campaigned full time in Michigan for the three weeks leading up to the February 28, 2012 Michigan Primary and traveled all over the state where the Karger Family first settled in the late 1800s.

    98. "The Orange County Register" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed him in Laguna Beach

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    Watch this great video interview with Fred. The O C Register spent a day with Fred in Laguna Beach.

    99. Willie Billings, Utah's Washington County Republican Party Chairman, thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when the two men met in St. George over frozen custard

    100. "New Hampshire Primary News" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed Fred while he campaigned at Portsmouth's Market Square

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    They spent several days covering his campaign and marched with Fred and his supporters during the Occupy New Hampshire March, just days before the January 10, 2012 Primary.

    101. German Language "AFP-DE" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they profiled Fred in this video biography

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    Fred received a tremendous amount of international news coverage because of his historic candidacy. He was thrilled that the LGBTQ community all over the world was hearing about his campaign for U.S. President.

    102. "NJ Politics Unusual" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed Fred at CPAC in Washington, DC

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    Fred enjoyed the give and take with reporters at the very conservative annual CPAC meeting held each February in our nation's capital.

    103. Brazilian News "AFP-BR" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they profiled Fred in this video in Portuguese

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    Fred did a tremendous number of foreign language interviews, often working through translators.

    104. "Gay USA" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they invited Fred to be a guest on their popular long-running show

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    Co-hosts Ann Northrup and Andy Humm conducted this wonderful interview with Fred in New York during a campaign stop.

    105. "LFDA News" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed Fred about his tax plan

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    Fred, his policy advisors, and campaign team developed positions and creative ideas on a host of issues that are still up on his campaign web site

    106. Puerto Rico thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they placed Fred on their March 18, 2012 GOP Primary ballot as one of only six candidates

    107. "Crime, Justice in America Magazine" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they interviewed Fred

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    Listen to this interesting interview by clicking on the red arrow above.

    108. Bill Mahoney of "The Bill Show" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he endorsed Fred on his cross country drive from California to New Hampshire to volunteer on the campaign

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    After interviewing Fred on his show in Los Angeles, Bill packed up his car and headed East for a several week stint helping out the campaign in New Hampshire and later in Utah. There were so many people who volunteered on Fred's historic campaign.

    109. Cary Harrison of the "Go Harrison Show" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he interviewed Fred on his show in Los Angeles

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    This was the first of several times that Fred was a guest on this bright and witty show hosted by the one and only Cary Harrison.

    110. The New Hampshire Institute of Politics thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they invited him to speak at campaign forums and to students at this prestigious institute located at St. Anselm College in Manchester

    111. Schoolcraft College thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when it welcomed him to campus while Fred was competing in the February 28, 2012 Michigan GOP Primary

    112. Senator John McCain thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he wished him well after hearing that Fred the first major-party openly gay candidate to run for president

    113. Host Alyona Minkovski of "The Alyona Show" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when she interviewed Fred about the Affordable Care Act on RT Television

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    Fred was live from the RT studios in Washington, DC discussing that day's Supreme Court arguments on President Obama's signature health care law.

    114. The Utah Republican Party thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he was one of only five candidates invited to be on the Utah June 26, 2012 GOP Primary ballot

    115. Log Cabin Republicans thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they invited him to give the keynote address at their 2011 National Convention in Dallas

    116. "CTNS News" in Sacramento, California thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed him as one of only six candidates competing in the California Primary

    117. Several Fraternities at the University of California, Davis thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they invited him to speak to their members

    118. New Hampshire's "Seacoast Online" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered Fred campaigning door-to-door in Portsmouth

    119. Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he met with Fred in their offices and extended all the resources of the RNC to the Karger for President campaign

    120. Maryland Secretary of State John P. McDonough thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he included Fred on the 2012 Primary ballot as one of only eight GOP candidates

    121. Los Angeles voters thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he and his supporters blitzed the city handing out thousands of Fred Frisbee's

    122. "The St. George Spectrum" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when it ran two front-page stories on his challenge to Mitt Romney in Utah’s last in the nation GOP Primary on June 26, 2012

    123. Fred’s supporters in St. George, Utah thought he was a serious candidate for president when they came out to support him during Utah’s June 2012 Primary

    124. "New York Magazine" thought Fred was a major candidate for president with this article profiling his historic candidacy

    125. The media in Utah thought Fred was a major candidate for president - they came out in full force to all three of his Salt Lake City news conferences

    126. "Al Jazeera Television" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they had him as a guest on several newscasts in their Washington, DC, New York, and Los Angeles studios

    127. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when the fellow Californian congratulated him on his historic firsts at the Republican Jewish Coalition Annual Conference in Las Vegas

    128. Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson thought Fred was a major candidate for president when she included him as one of only eleven candidates listed on Michigan's February 28, 2012 Primary ballot

    129. "The Young Turks" network thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he was a panelist on several shows including "The Point" hosted by Ana Kasparian after his historic presidential campaign

    130. The Gay-Straight Student Alliance (GSA) at New Trier High School in Winnetka, IL thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they invited him to speak about his campaign for president

    131. "Huffington Post" journalist Sam Stein and "Huffington Post Live" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they had him on as a guest and pundit many times in their Washington, DC and New York studios

    132. The Smithsonian National Museum of American History thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they requested all of his archival materials and papers documenting his life, career, and activism for its LGBTQ Archives

    133. Marc Ambinder, Politics Editor of "The Atlantic" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he interviewed him on CBS News' "Washington Unplugged”

    134. AIPAC thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he attended its 2011 annual Policy Conference as the first Jewish Republican to ever run for president

    135. The Chisholm Hills Michigan Republican Club thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when they hosted Mitt Romney and Fred as speakers at their candidate's breakfast

    136. The Maryland State Board of Elections thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they placed him on the April 3, 2012 ballot as one of eight major GOP candidates

    137. AOL's New Hampshire "Patch" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when their team of reporters interviewed him along with all other major GOP candidates appearing on the New Hampshire ballot

    138. Franklin Pierce College thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they invited him to speak at an all-students candidate's forum

    139. The Federal Election Commission thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he became the first major 2012 GOP candidate to file for president on March 23, 2011

    140. Fred was a very serious candidate for president and his historic campaign never when into debt

    141. New Hampshire's AIDS Services for Monadnock Region thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they hosted him in Keene, NH throughout his historic campaign

    142. The Michigan American Legion thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they hosted Fred as a speaker at its weekly dinner in Detroit

    143. Former Louisiana Governor and Congressman Buddy Roemer thought Fred was a major candidate for president as the two men campaigned for the Republican nomination

    144. "Playboy" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when the magazine invited him to write a guest column during LGBTQ Pride Month as the first openly gay major-party candidate to run for president

    145. The Karger campaign's bus dubbed the "California Express" was not as big as the Romney bus, but it served the campaign well

    146. Fellow candidate Herman Cain thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when the two would run into each other all over the USA

    147. Fred showed he was a serious candidate for president after his volunteers blitzed the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll

    148. Puerto Rico knew Fred was a serious candidate for president when his campaign sound truck blanketed San Juan the weekend before the Puerto Rico GOP Primary

    149. Puerto Rico's Spanish language newspaper "Conexion" knew Fred was a major candidate with this front-page story

    150. Puerto Rico's "The Sun" knew Fred was a viable candidate for president when they covered his historic campaign, even after he was snubbed by the governor, who had endorsed Mitt Romney

    151. Des Moines' "WHO Radio" talk show host Simon Conway thought Fred was a major candidate for president when Fred was the first 2012 presidential candidate that he interviewed

    152. New Hampshire Voters thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they got to vote for him in the "first in the nation primary"

    153. "WSMN Radio" in Nashua, NH thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when they interviewed him during morning drive time

    154. Florida Republican Party Chairman Lenny Curry made the unilateral decision not to allow Fred on Florida’s Primary ballot just because he was gay. Fred challenged his decision, but was unsuccessful and then shot back at Curry with this ad showing Curry as the Ayatollah and released this photoshopped photo of him

    155. Mary Kaye Huntsman thought Fred was a major candidate for president when she gave him a hug seen 'round the world "NBC News" caught the whole thing on camera

    156. "Salt Lake City's City Weekly" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they ran this cover story on his campaign's controversial commercial "Stop the Hate"

    157. "OutSports and SB Nation" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they ran this story about his "Sexy Frisbee" commercial going viral

    158. The Southern Republican Leadership Conference thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when Fred announced his intention to run for president at their 2010 conference in New Orleans

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    After initially refusing to rent Fred a meeting room for his historic announcement press conference, the SRLC relented after Fred's attorney got involved.

    159. Popular Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when he profiled his historic campaign

    160. "Roll Call" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered his meeting with the top three RNC leaders

    161. "The Capitol Weekly" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered his campaign

    162. thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they included Fred's Dartmouth speech in their lecture series

    163. "The Fresno Bee" knew Fred was a major candidate for president when they corrected their story from 2019

    164. "Variety" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they recognized him in a story about Pete Buttigieg's 2020 campaign

    165. Michel Martin, host of NPR's "All Things Considered" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when she interviewed him for her national broadcast

    166. "The Huffington Post" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they profiled him in this extraordinary interview

    167. "San Diego Gay and Lesbian News" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered him campaigning in California for the state's primary

    168. Fred was considered a serious candidate for president who held fundraisers all over the country

    169. AOL's "Patch" thought Fred was a serious candidate when they covered him campaigning in Portsmouth, NH right before the "first in the nation primary"

    170. New Hampshire voters thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they saw his campaign commercial "Fed Up" which ran all across the state

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    Fred was the one true moderate Republican running for president in 2012 and was proud to talk about it.

    171. "The Windy City Times" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they profiled his return to Chicago

    172. "The Jewish Journal" thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when they covered his historic campaign

    173. "The Republic" of Columbus, Indiana thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they profiled him in this story by Ben Leubsdorf

    174. Thousands of people knew Fred was a major candidate for president after attending screenings of the documentary "FRED" about his historic campaign by filmmaker John Fitzgerald Keitel - it's now up on YouTube to be seen by all

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    "FRED" premiered at the Monadnock New Hampshire International Film Festival in 2014, played at festivals all over the country and had its Los Angeles Premiere at the Sundance Theater in Hollywood before a packed house.

    175. "QVoice News" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they did this extensive interview about his historic campaign

    176. The "New Hampshire Union Leader" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they ran his Op-Ed opposing Florida's primary date change

    177. "The Nashua Telegraph" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when the paper's Editorial Board interviewed him just before the New Hampshire Primary

    178. "New York Magazine" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they reported on his official complaint to Massachusetts authorities about Mitt Romney's potential illegal voter registration and questionable residency claims

    179. "The Chicago Tribune" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they ran this great story about his campaign in 2019

    180. "The P2012" blog thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they reported that Fred had spent more time in New Hampshire than any other candidate

    181. "The Times of London" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they profiled him and his historic campaign in 2011

    182. "Politico" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they reported on Fred taking up residency in New Hampshire along with fellow candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Buddy Roemer

    183. The Hill thought Fred was a viable candidate with this profile, "Welcome Back, Karger" that covers both his acting and political careers

    184. "New Hampshire Public Radio" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when he was interviewed on the Laura Knoy show

    185. "The Brad Blog" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when Brad had Fred as a guest on the "Malloy Show"

    186. "Fox News" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when Fred was included with other leading candidates during an interview with GOP consultant Karl Rove about the 2012 presidential field (minute 2:15)

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    FOX News regulatory covered Fred during the 2012 GOP Primaries.

    187. "The Korean Herald" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when this popular English language Korean newspaper covered his campaign

    188. "The Daily Gamecock" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they covered Fred's speaking appearances at the University of South Carolina

    189. "The Charleston City Paper" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered his first visit to the Palmetto State

    190. "The Seattle Lesbian" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they reported on his historic campaign

    191. "" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered one of his early visits to Iowa

    192. "'s War Room" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they announced that Fred was their favorite candidate running

    193. "ABC News" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they interviewed him about tips for crashing an Inauguration

    194. "The Twin Cities Press" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they profiled his historic run

    195. "The Jewish Telegraphic Agency" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they reported on Fred's surprise victory over Congressman Ron Paul in the Puerto Rico Primary

    196. "The Seattle Times" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they profiled his campaign and him in 2011

    197. The "Gay Report" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered his visit to Chicago, where Fred was born and grew up

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    In the interview, I said that it was not supposed to be a Republican who became the first openly gay candidate for president. It was supposed to be a Democrat, someone like Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin or the Mayor of Houston, Annise Parker.

    198. The "Arizona Jewish Post" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president with this story

    199. The University of Denver thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered his visit to the campus

    200. The Israeli Newspaper, "Haaretz" thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they covered his bid for the White House

    201. "Variety" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they covered Fred's historic campaign and the formation of his Presidential Exploratory Committee

    202. Drake University thought Fred was a major candidate for president when they invited him to speak to students at their Des Moines, Iowa campus

    203. "Autostraddle" thought Fred was a serious candidate for president when they profiled him and his historic campaign and deemed him "awesome"

    204. A Rick Santorum supporter thought Fred was a viable candidate for president when she heckled him in New Hampshire and shouted: "Go Back to California Fred!"

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    Filmmaker John Fitzgerald Keitel captured this classic moment when Fred was heckled on his way into one of the early New Hampshire debates.

    205. "Fox News" thought Fred was a major candidate when they reported on his entrance into the 2012 campaign

    206. Current TV and That's Gay thought Fred was a serious candidate when they interviewed Fred

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    History was made in 2008 when the United States elected its first African-American President - Barack Obama. But cut to 2011 and for the first time in history, the United States has its first openly gay Presidential candidate - Fred Karger. And Bryan Safi had to meet him. And not only to see how he stacked up against the other candidates, but also make sure this "gay Presidential hopeful" wasn't simply a myth or a fairy tale.