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    How Literature Makes The World A Better Place

    Literature has impacted the world in so many different ways. Literature is a term used to describe written and even sometimes spoken material. Literature is referred to as creative writing. Often when people use there imagination. Most works display a special or secret meaning that a writer is trying to convey. It is up to us to understand the message that the writer is trying to tell us. How you ever wondered why we read it? or why it's important?...

    Why do we read literature?

    Literature represents the culture and tradition of all the different cultures and people around the world. Literature is more than just putting words on a page. It is said to be an art form. literature has changed over the years. The way we write it and the way we view it has changed no good or bad way. An example of the way we view literature changing is the way we view the novel Moby Dick now to the way we viewed it back when it was first made. Back then it was viewed as a failure, but now it is viewed as a master work. These old books also help us understand literature back in the authors times.

    Literature entertains readers

    Literature is meant to entertain readers. By grabbing our attention with the first paragraph to get us interested and continuing on with great stories literature is entertaining. Many people read on there spare time and enjoy it. There are people that say they do not enjoy reading but give them the right book and they could be reading for hours. Everybody likes different types of books and there is most-likely a type for you. Whether its of two lovers or a hard fought battle between two super humans everybody like literature.

    How people react to literature

    People react to literature in many different ways. Some people just read without getting the authors message and without understanding the true meaning. Other people look for what the author is trying to convey. They search for the true meaning and discover why the author is saying what they said. Every book or story has a meaning. Whether it's from the heart or they are just trying to educate you.

    Literature betters your reading and writing

    The more you read the better at reading you get. You can get into more complex books and longer books. As they say, practice makes perfect. The more you read the better at writing you get to. Literature improves your skills in reading and writing. You may pick up some tips and tricks and use them in your own works. You may also pick up the style of authors that you really like. Which help you write your own books and stories. Reading also expands your vocabulary because you see new words in every book.

    How literature defines us

    Literature defines us in many different ways. If you are the writer of a sad story than readers know that something may have happened for you to be sad. If a person in that story dies than readers may think that somebody you were close to has died. If you write about sports than readers will think you are an athletic person or into sports at least. When you write you are telling a story and the readers are your audience.

    Literature impacts kids

    Our youth is impacted by literature. Picture books is a form of literature. Although there are no words there is still a story being told. Children at a young age cannot read yet but still use picture books for entertainment. When they get old enough and learn to read authors make books with words and pictures. This helps kids understand the book if they aren't getting anything from reading it. The pictures also give the children something to look at and not get carried away. Literature helps kids learn how to read and write.

    Words create pictures

    Words can create pictures in your head. By describing a place or person the human mind will begin to picture that place or person. If you describe a place to another person they won't picture it the same way you picture it. If somebody describes a person to two people at once those two people will picture it differently. Authors can create pictures in peoples heads but they will never be exactly how the author wanted.

    1. The Hunger Games

    2. The Cat in The Hat

    3. The Fifth Wave

    4. The Rule of Three