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22 Thoughts Every Single Woman Has Had While Lying Back For A Bikini Wax

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

1. "Dear Lord, when did things down there get so...thick?!"

2. "I kind of like it though. It feels so nice and soft."

3. "I'm going to be wearing a bikini next week though... Yeah, it's time to sort this out."

4. "Today is the day. I'm prepped. I feel strong."

5. "How naked do I get when they leave me to take my clothes off?"

6. "Do I just leave my granny pants in plain view?"

7. "If I just exude confidence, then it might not hurt as much."

8. "The hot wax feels so nice. Comforting, like a big old hug from a really fluffy bear."

9. "Okay, it's coming, the wax strip is on, and it HAS to come off. Breathe, breathe, breathe..."

10. "HOLY F*&% S*&% BALLS!"

11. "Oh god, she's really getting in there. What can she see up there?"

12. "Why is she asking me to put my legs up?"

13. "What did I ever do to this lady?!"

14. " Can I ask to leave midway?"

15. Maybe if I text throughout this, the pain will go away.

16. "Now please turn over."

17. "Is she putting wax on my bumhole?"

18. "How did my life come to this?"

19. "I've never felt so vulnerable, but I've equally never felt so alive."

20. "We're done! I made it!"

21. "Oh wow, it's so breezy down there now."

22. "I feel like a brand-new woman, and what a wonderful feeling that is."

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