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Heidi serves as my medical alert service dog and my son's therapy service dog. She alerts me of metabolic symptoms and awakens me from narcoleptic dozing to put my c-pap machine on. She's lowered my son's social anxiety (noted by teachers,school admins & physicians) so that he can shop etc in a calm manner. Despite that Heidi's ailed from diagnosed Lupus,Diabetes &,now,possibly, Cushings Disease. She's endured 2 surgeries. Heidi has,always, maintained a prance on her feet,enthusiasm to work with us & the sweetest disposition. Heidi was,originally,a rescue from a shelter who has proven her worth and skills. She accompanies us 24/7 to medical appts,stores, church etc. She's been an educational tool in our community as she educates the public that there are service animals who warn/protect other than * Seeing Eye * and * Search & Rescue * dogs.Our congressman advocated,as well as the FBI,HUD and Fair Housing to protect Heidi under the American Disability Act in 2007 as we endured discrimination and hate crimes. Heidi's touched the hearts of many who've marveled at her. As many agree, * Heidi's all about love *

Toylasso 10 years ago