19 Hilarious "When I Was Younger" Tweets Because We All Had Some Wild Thoughts As Kids

    "When I was a kid I worried that my imaginary friend thought I was the imaginary friend."

    It's pretty obvious that everyone was a natural comedian as a child.

    Kids say (and think) the funniest things sometimes, and these 19 tweets really prove that all of us weren't alone in being strange and hilarious little things! So let's get into it:


    When I was a little kid, I thought "This little piggy went to market" meant it went shopping. It does not.

    Twitter: @Lcars24


    when i was little i thought that martha’s vineyard was martha stewart’s vineyard

    Twitter: @kyleaftrmth


    @clichedout @abarelightbulb When I was little I thought butt cheeks were the storage containers for poop and thats why they were squishy.😑 #embarrassing

    Twitter: @FeetiesMarie


    i miss when i was little and thought my heart was heart shaped

    Twitter: @klllngsleyy


    When I was little I thought SpongeBob was a piece of cheese and his parents were cookies

    Twitter: @CrispyFrise


    When I was a kid, I really thought quicksand was going to be a much bigger issue when I was older.

    Twitter: @DaveBlass


    When I was younger I thought brown cows made chocolate milk.

    Twitter: @_Od26


    The way that when I was younger i thought Nicki invented twerking😭

    Twitter: @ONlKASBROWSER


    When i was younger, I thought the only requirement needed when you own a car is to buy fuel ….. oh boy was I wrong 😭

    Twitter: @the_Lawrenz


    okay ill admit it, when i was younger i thought that every time someone on a jazz record was credited for "vibes" it meant they hung out at the recording session and made everything feel cool

    Twitter: @fritzpape


    When I was little I thought that adults knew what was going on and how to deal with it *laughs so hard she falls off chair*

    Twitter: @MirandaKeeling


    When I was little my parents would always have the first sip from a can of drink to take the taste of the metal away. I thought this was a real thing until I asked my partner to have the first sip of a can. I was 25.

    Twitter: @fesshole


    What absolutely bonkers bodily thing did you believe when you were little? (When I was a kid I thought women had to go to the hospital when their water broke because that’s the only place you could get it repaired)

    Twitter: @DustinGrowick


    @lukasbattle I had a panic attack for the first time on Halloween when I was really little and I thought I was turning into a werewolf

    Twitter: @emmajmb


    Me: When I was a kid I worried that my imaginary friend thought I was the imaginary friend. My Therapist: I can no longer help you.

    Twitter: @WoodyLuvsCoffee


    When I was a kid, I saw some old movie where a group of men arrived at a house and were offered a tray of eye-wash cups (probably for road dust). Being a kid, I thought they were drinks. Until I was 24, I was convinced there was some fancy hardcore shot you took through your eye.

    Twitter: @SSkorkowsky


    When I was a kid I thought the absolute most adult thing was having a set of keys. Adults just always seemed soooo cool to me when they whipped out a big fucking keychain. I couldn’t wait to have my own keys. And guess what? I was right. It rocks.

    Twitter: @1followernodad


    Dumbest thing I believed as a child: Once I’m 18 my mom can’t tell me what to do anymore

    Twitter: @Nance726


    i thought the bermuda triangle was gonna be a huge problem when i was younger

    Twitter: @thefelicityhunt

    What were some funny things you believed as a child? Let us know in the comments!