Here Are Canada's Top Baby Names Of 2022

    Did your baby's name make the list?

    It's about time to start closing out the year, and with that comes the annual BabyCenter Canada names of the year announcement!

    baby shoes with laces spelling out 2022

    Across Canada, it seems that "Olivia" has reigned supreme for newborn baby girls once again after having to bow to "Amelia" (which is now in third place) last year — and you know what? I get it.

    olivia rodrigo on the red carpet

    Let's also all raise a (baby) bottle to "Noah" for maintaining the number one spot for baby boys names since last year. And coming in second, "Liam" has re-emerged!

    But ~stranger things~ have happened with this year's new placements on the top 10 list — "Luca" and "James", which rose 9 and 8 points higher this year, respectively.

    For baby girls, a whopping four new additions have climbed through the name ranks and scored placements on the top 10 leaderboard. "Ava", "Hannah", "Nora", and "Isabella" are sure to be some of the coolest kids on the playground one day!

    Interesting naming trends of the year include the unsurprising continuation of girl names ending in the "ah" sound absolutely dominating the top five placements — and the surprising 45-point climb of "Samuel" landing it in the top 50 names at #34.

    Now, without further ado, here are the Canadian top 10 baby name lists for 2022! Let's start with the girls:

    baby girls standing

    And here are the boys:

    baby boys sitting up in onesies

    If you're curious about Canada's top 100 baby names of the year or to find out more about which names are trending, visit BabyCenter Canada!