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This Is What The First 24 Hours Of Marriage Equality In Indiana Looks Like

"These couples, when gender and sexual orientation are taken away, are in all respects like the family down the street,” a federal judge said in striking down the state’s marriage ban.

On Wednesday, after a federal judge struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage, hundreds of couples throughout the state flocked to county authorities to apply for marriage licenses.

Craig Bowen, left, and Jake Miller were the first to receive a marriage license and wed in Indianapolis.

Marion County Clerk Beth White officiated their wedding. White accepted voluntary $50 contributions to Indiana Youth Group, an LGBT organization, for performing ceremonies for couples. By the end of the day, her office had raised $4,000.

At least 186 same-sex couples married in Marion County on Wednesday according to White, such as Bart Peterson, left, and Pete McNamara.

Jennifer Elizabeth Fox, left, and Erin Lynae Fox, right, were married with their two sons standing by.

Marion County resumed marriage services at 8 a.m. local time Thursday, with White marrying additional same-sex couples, like Michael Foster, third left, and Larry Foster, who celebrated the moment with their three children.

Here's the family hugging as the Fosters were made husband and husband.

Adam Shoffner, right, shouted with joy after he married Daniel Tolliver.

Here's Tolliver kissing Shoffner's hand as White performs their marriage ceremony.

Same-sex couples married in several other counties throughout the state, such as Monroe County, where Abby Henkel, left, and Sarah Perfetti wed on the steps of the County Justice Building.

Rev. Mary Ann Macklin, center, officiated the marriage ceremony of Jeff Jewel, left, and Jeff Polling, who have been together for 18 years, on the steps of the building.

Donnica Barrett hugged her wife Nikki Barrett just moments after Vigo County judge Chris Newton pronounced them “wife and wife, legally married according to the laws of the State of Indiana" on Wednesday.

And here, Kenny Edholm, right, smiles as he is married to his partner of 10 years, Josh Reid, left, in Fort Wayne. Edholm's brother, Matthew Edholm, officiated their marriage outside the Allen County Courthouse.

Aja Michael, left, and her wife Michele Keller react emotionally after they were married by the Hon. Samuel Keirns Magistrate Allen Superior Court in Fort Wayne.

And here's Keirns marrying Wayne Hughes, right, and Jacob Clayton with their 4-year-old daughter on hand.

And this couple, Sarah Hunt and McKinzie Hill, right, were given a cupcake after filling out a marriage application at the St. Joseph County Courthouse in South Bend.