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    17 People Tell Us How They Treat Themselves After A Really Bad Day

    Because caring for myself is not self-indulgence.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they treat themselves after a bad day. Here are some of their responses.

    1. Small acts of kindness.

    2. Post a meme.

    3. Books!

    4. Cry it out.

    5. Artwork.

    6. Going for a walk.

    7. Note down what makes you smile.

    8. Be around children you love.

    9. Colour it away.

    10. Pride and Prejudice.

    11. Netflixing.

    12. Harry Potter!

    13. Spend time with pets.

    14. Work it out.

    15. Pizza, wine, and a hot bath.

    16. Chocolate in bed.

    17. It's the little things.

    Some responses have been edited for clarity.

    Be sure to follow the BuzzFeed Community on Facebook and Twitter for your chance to be featured in future BuzzFeed posts.