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    I Listened To Every Barbie Movie Song And Ranked Them All So You Don't Have To

    This one's for you, Barbie stans.

    54. "Princesses Just Want to Have Fun"- Princess and the Popstar/"Superhero Beat"-Princess Power

    Kiera and Tori

    53. "The Rat Song"-The Island Princess/"Zombie Peas"-Fashion Fairytale


    52. "I Want it All"-The Secret Door/"Coolest Thing Ever"- Princess Power

    Princess Power Barbie

    51. "Double Visions"-Diamond Castle/ "To Be a Princess, To Be a Popstar"- Princess and the Popstar

    Ian and Jeremy

    50. "Change the Game"-Video Game Hero/ "Wrap it Up, Stack it Up"- A Perfect Christmas

    Barbie, her sisters, and a hotel worker

    49. "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"-Christmas Carol/"A Perfect Christmas"- A Perfect Christmas/ "You're Here"- The Secret Door

    Barbie and her sisters

    48. "It's Gonna be Amazing"- A Perfect Christmas/"If I Had Magic"-The Secret Door/ "Treasure"- Dolphin Magic

    47. "All We Got"-Spy Squad/ "Real Life"- Barbie Diaries

    Barbie Spy Squad characters

    46. "Wonderful Me"-Diamond Castle/ "I've Got Magic"- The Secret Door/ "We've Got Magic"- The Secret Door

    Princess Courtney

    45. "Live in the Moment"- A Puppy Chase/"Girl Most Likely To"-Barbie Diaries/"Power Up"-Video Game Hero

    Barbie and her sisters

    44. "O Christmas Tree"-Christmas Carol/"Silent Night"-Christmas Carol

    Edith and Magic Snow Globe

    43. "Multiplayer"-Video Game Hero/ "The Wish I Wish Tonight"- A Perfect Christmas

    Barbie Video Game Hero characters

    42. "At the Ball"-The Island Princess/"Where You Belong"-Barbie Diaries

    Rosella at Ball

    41. "Perfect Day"-Princess and the Popstar/"We Wish You a Merry Chrismtas"-Christmas Carol

    Dancing girls

    40. "Mermaid Party"- Pearl Princess/ "You're the One"- A Pony Tale


    39. "The Greatest Day"- Great Puppy Adventure/ "Look How High We Can Fly"- Princess and the Popstar/ "Deck the Halls"-Christmas Carol/ "Joy to the World"- Christmas Carol

    Barbie and her sister

    38. "When You're a Princess"-Rock n' Royals/ "Gotta Get to Camp"-Rock n' Royals/ "What's Gonna Happen"- Secret Door/ "I Wish I Had Her Life"- Princess and the Popstar


    37. "Do the Mermaid"-Mermaid Tale 2

    Merliah and Zuma

    36. "Silver Lining"-Barbie Spy Squad/ "Soaring"- Princess Power/ "Jolly Old Saint Nick"- Christmas Carol/ "I Don't Wanna Sleep"- Barbie Diaries

    Barbie diaries characters reading a letter

    35. "Love is for Peasants"- The Island Princess

    Barbie villain- The Island Princess

    34. "Be a Friend"-Mariposa and the Fairy Princess/"Another Me"-Fashion Fairytale/ "Constant as the Stars Above"- Rapunzel

    Barbie in Paris

    33. "Get Your Sparkle On"- Fashion Fairytale

    Barbie Fashion Show

    32. "So Beautiful"- Dolphin Magic/ "Unlock Your Dreams"- Rock n' Royals/ "Wings"- Swan Lake


    31. "I'm On My Way"-Princess and the Pauper/"I Love This Christmas"- Christmas Carol


    30. "Raise Our Voices"- Rock n' Royals/"Invincible"- Video Game Hero/"Note to Self"- Barbie Diaries/ "Fate Finds a Way"- Barbie Diaries

    Erika Juno

    29. "Rapunzel Theme"-Rapunzel/"Summer Sunshine"- Mermaid Tale

    Rapunzel Dress Transformation

    28. "Let Your Hair Down" - A Puppy Chase /"Only a Breath Away"- Mariposa and the Fairy Princess/ "Feels Like Love"- Barbie Diaries


    27. "Shooting Star"- Star Light Adventure/ "Light Up the World"- Pearl Princess

    Barbie with guitar

    26. "This is Me"-Barbie Diaries/"Get Up and Move"-Video Game Hero

    Barbie Diaries band

    25. "Strength in Numbers"-Barbie Spy Squad/ "Find Yourself in the Song"- Rock n' Royals/ "Can You Keep A Secret?"- Fairy Secret

    Spy Squad

    24. "Birthday Song"- 12 Dancing Princesses

    12 Dancing Princesses

    23. "Making My Way"-Barbie and the Three Musketeers/ "Here I Am"- Princess and the Popstar

    Corinne and Miette

    22. "Champions"- Barbie Spy Squad/ "Invisible"- Barbie Diaries

    Barbie Diaries Characters

    21. "Wish Upon a Star"- Rapunzel/ "Brand New Sound"- Rock n' Royals

    Zia and Rayna

    20. "Here on My Island"/ "When We Have Love" - The Island Princess

    Rosella in tree

    19. "Life is a Fairytale"- Fashion Fairytale/"This Feeling is Everything"- Star Light Adventure

    Barbie with Birds

    18. "A Brand New Shore"- The Island Princess/"Believe"-Diamond Castle/ "We Rule This School"- Princess Charm School

    Alexa, Liana, and Melody

    17. "What if I Shine"- Rock n' Royals

    Princess Courtney

    16. "All for One"- Barbie and the Three Musketeers

    Four Musketeers

    15. "Shine"- 12 Dancing Princesses/ "Right Here in My Arms"- The Island Princess

    Rosella and her mom

    14. "Finale Mashup"- Rock n' Royals

    13. "Keep on Dancing"- Barbie and the Pink Shoes

    Kristyn and Hayley

    12. "Hope Has Wings"- Magic of Pegasus

    Brie Larson

    11. "We're Gonna Find It"- Diamond Castle/ "On Top of the World"-Princess Charm School

    Singing Alexa and Liana

    10. "Firefly"- Star Light Adventure

    Barbie in space

    9. "If You Love Me for Me"/ "To Be a Princess"- Princess and the Pauper

    Dominic and Erika

    8. "Always More"/"I Need to Know" - The Island Princess

    Rosella and animals

    7. "Connected"- Diamond Castle

    Alexa and Liana in Cottage

    6. "How Can I Refuse?"/"How Can I Refuse Reprise" - Princess and the Pauper


    5. "You Can Tell She's A Princess"- Princess Charm School

    Hadley, Blair, and Isla

    4. "Queen of the Waves"- Mermaid Tale

    Merliah on Wave

    3. "Two Voices, One Song"- Diamond Castle/ "Cat's Meow"- Princess and the Pauper

    Alexa and Liana

    2. "Written in Your Heart" & "Free" - Princess and the Pauper

    Erika and Anneliese Wedding

    1. "I Am a Girl Like You" - Princess and the Pauper