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    5-Ingredient Chocolate Almond Butter Balls

    Yes, FIVE ingredients.

    5-Ingredient Chocolate Almond Butter Balls

    Here's what you'll need:

    * ½ cup almond butter

    * ½ cup almond flour

    * ½ cup dark chocolate, melted

    * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    * Sea salt (optional)

    Here's what you'll do:

    1) In a bowl, mix almond flour, almond butter, and vanilla extract. Create round balls using your hands.

    2) Place onto a baking sheet and chill for 20 minutes or until solid.

    3) In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate in 30-second intervals.

    4) Individually coat eat ball in the chocolate and place back onto the baking sheet.

    5) Optional: sprinkle with sea salt.

    6) Chill until chocolate is set.

    7) Enjoy!

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