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    Upcycle Old Beverage Bottles With This Smart Pencil Case

    So eco-chic.

    What you need:

    · 2 water bottles

    · Zipper

    · Hot glue

    · Scissors

    · Box cutter

    · Twine (optional)

    · Spray paint (optional)


    1. Measure one bottle 4.5 inches from the bottom up. Cut with a box cutter. Refine the cut with scissors.

    2. Measure the other bottle 2.5 inches from the bottom up. Cut with a box cutter. Refine the cut with scissors.

    3. Wrap zipper around bottle. Overlap the ends ⅕ of an inch on top of each other and mark. Move zipper pull to the end and cut excess.

    4. Apply hot glue on the front strip of the zipper. Stick onto the inside of the bottle. Unzip zipper. Apply hot glue on other end of zipper and stick to the other bottle.

    5. Optional: Decorate with twine or spray spray.

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