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    This Folding Pen Organizer Tutorial Will Blow Your Mind

    What is this sorcery?!

    What you need:

    (2) 8” x 10” x 1.5” wood canvas

    Strong tape

    Roll of postal paper





    Hot glue gun

    Hot glue sticks

    Velcro with sticky back


    1. Lay two wood canvases side by side. Tape the middle together to form a hinge. Close your new case and tape the other side.

    2. Cut out 27 pieces of postal paper that measure 4” x 8.5”.

    3. Lay one piece of 4” x 8.5” postal paper horizontally. Glue 3 vertical stripes at the ends and the center. Lay a new piece of 4” x 8.5” postal paper on top. Glue 2 vertical stripes that would divide the piece of paper into thirds. Repeat until all pieces of paper have been glued. Wait for glue to dry.

    4. Hot glue one end of the paper stack into the center of case. Find the center of the other side of the case. Hot glue the other end of your paper stack to the other side of the case.

    5. Cut a piece of velcro with the same width as your wood panel. Stick on the center of the open end. Hook on other piece of velcro. Peel off the sticky back and close the case.

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