Having Overnight Guests? Leave Them A Cute Surprise With These 4 Cuddly Towel Animals

    The'll feel like they're at a hotel!

    4 Cuddly Towel Animals

    Watch the full video here:

    Nifty / Via Facebook: 1679616822293043


    Bath towel

    Hand towel

    Wash cloth

    Rubber band


    1. Fold two diagonally opposite ends of a hand towel together. Leave a little gap so the ends are not perfectly overlapping.

    2. Roll the bottom folded end up, but leave a bit unrolled.

    3. Fold towel in half and slip a rubber band over the folded end.

    4. Overlap the two loose ends and fold under the body into the rubber band.



    Bath towel

    Hand towel

    Wash cloth

    Rubber band


    Bath towel

    1. Laying a bath towel horizontally. Roll the left and right to the center. Fold in half.

    2. Pull out the most inner piece of the towel from the roll. Pinch the bottom and top pieces together and pull outward. Fold inner flap over the other flap.

    Hand towel

    1. Fold hand towel in half and fold again in half.

    2. Take top corners and fold down to make a triangle.

    3. Take bottom corners and fold up to make a diamond.

    4. Fold downward in half.

    5. Place bath towel piece over hand towel. Adjust each piece to look like a toad.



    Bath towel

    Hand towel

    Wash cloth

    Rubber band



    1. Place a finger at the top half of a bath towel. From a top bottom, roll down to the center. Repeat on other side.


    1. Place a bath towel horizontally and fold the bottom upward and then fold inward just like an accordion. Repeat until it’s all folded.

    2. Fold in half.

    3. Place wings over the body piece and spread out.

    4. Lift pointed body end and fold forward to create a head.



    Bath towel

    Hand towel

    Wash cloth

    Rubber band



    1. Laying a bath towel horizontally. Roll the left and right to the center. Fold in half.

    2. Pull out the most inner piece of the towel from the roll. Pinch the bottom and top pieces together and pull outward.

    1. Fold diagonally opposite ends of a washcloth together.

    2. Fold bottom corners to the top corner to create a diamond. Flip over.

    3. Fold top half down and fold down halfway into each other.

    4. Roll out pieces to reveal face.

    5. Hang body on hanger and place head between the arms.

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