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    17 Things That Were High-Tech AF In The 90s But Will Have You Shook Now

    90s Kids were a generation of guinea pigs, set loose to explore the emerging world of tech. We bridged the gap between playing outside and playing online. Here's a look back at some of the next-level tech we grew up with before Siri learned her first swear or AI was even a thing. Boo-ya, b*tches! Enjoy.

    1. These floppy discs because how else do you back that thing up?

    2. This next-level Nokia phone bringing me life.

    3. The OG Apple product you had to have.

    4. This Rolodex because you popular.

    5. Be-beep. Jeepers, creepers, where'd ya get those beepers?

    6. Before text, before Skype, there was AIM.

    7. This monster of a machine that haunted me in my early 20s.

    8. The car phone. Because pimpin' aint easy.

    9. Double VHS hits like this gem.

    10. In case Blockbuster didn't make enough bank on your late fees. They made you rent one of these for a taste of the newest tech.

    11. Super Nintendo though.

    12. But first, let me take a selfie.

    13. The original Siri for moms and dads who got sh*t done.

    14. Annnnnd I will always love youuuuu....

    15. The landline phone that always got you caught up.

    16. Speaking of dialing...

    17. #90sKids, we didn't even have social media.