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18 Signs You're An Ultimate Soccer Fan

You can scream for 90 minutes straight. Join Tide in celebrating the true fans out there — those who keep their jerseys cleaner than their work clothes.

1. When you attend a match, you disguise your identity just in case you get a little too riled up.

2. You're used to losing sleep because you're watching a game played across the globe.

And you've memorized the time difference.

3. You're serious about your jersey collection.

4. You dream of being a part of this mess:

5. You've attended one of those outdoor viewing parties.

Amongst fellow fans, you can let your emotions get the best of you.

6. You've actually been injured cheering on your team before.

7. You've had a least one bad dream about a player getting traded.

8. And you've had countless arguments about how intense soccer really is.

9. You don't like to use your hands, even in other sports.

And you're appalled that "no kicking" is a rule in basketball.

10. Around your home, food is soccer inspired.

And meals correspond with match times.

11. And there's always a ball or two to dribble.

(Juggling, of course, takes place outside only.)

12. Your hermit crab has a soccer shell.

Better yet — you now want to get a hermit crab just so you can have it wear a soccer shell.

13. You've mimicked holding up a card while watching a game from your couch.

14. In school, you wrote essays about soccer.

15. At work, you convinced everyone in the office that the World Cup is a holiday.

Because... it is.

16. This nightmare is actually inspiring to you:

17. This kind of wedding has crossed your mind at least once:

Imagine punting the bouquet!

18. And your pet owns at least one piece of team apparel.

This summer, keep it clean! True fans go to great lengths for their jerseys.

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