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11 Things That Are Better Live

Some things you just have to experience live and in person. Get 100% verified tickets for all your favorite live shows from Ticketmaster.

1. Seeing your friends online:

Seeing your friends in real life:

2. Seeing someone eat a burger on social media:

Eating a burger in real life:

3. Your birthday online:

Your birthday in real life:

4. Seeing the sunset online:

Seeing the sunset in real life:

5. Playing DJ on Spotify:

Playing DJ in real life:

6. The top of a mountain on social media:

The top of a mountain in real life:

7. Roller coasters on social media:

Roller coasters in real life:

8. Seeing your favorite celebrity in media:

Seeing your favorite celebrity in real life:

9. Pranks on social media:

Pranks in real life:

10. Driving in video games:

Driving in real life:

11. Fireworks on social media:

Fireworks in real life:

What else can we say? Life is better live. Get 100% verified tickets to your favorite live shows and events from Ticketmaster.