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    5 Tips For Paddle Boarding Beginners

    Decided to jump on a board? Great, you’ve come to the right place! Paddle boarding beginners face various challenges before successfully standing up on a board. You’re not the only one having these difficulties. By reading this article you will improve your future paddle boarding sessions whether it’s your first swim or not. In this article, I’ll provide 10 of them.


    5 tips

    1. Make sure the paddle board is far enough

    First of all, make sure that your paddle board is far enough in the water. Common mistake I see, is that people jump on the paddle board in shallow waters and stuck the fin in the sand.

    stand up paddle boarding sup2. Start Paddle Boarding In Calm Water

    Many paddle boarding newbies want to master the sport right away. Initiative is great, but start paddle boarding in smooth waters as it’s impossible to relax when learning otherwise.

    3. Swim Facing The Wind First

    Swimming in the same direction with wind is easy and enjoyable, but returning back, especially as a beginner, can be extremely hard task. Have this in mind if you’re renting the paddle board and you want to return it on time. To swim the same distance against the wind takes 2 (if not more) times longer than with the wind. The quality of the swim will also be affected, as you will return exhausted.

    4. Get On Your Knees Before You Stand Up On A Paddle Board

    Don’t try to stand up on a paddle board in advance. Get on your knees, make sure you’re in the middle of the paddle board, try to paddle a little bit and see how the paddle board is performing and then gently try to stand up using the paddle.

    5. Don’t Put Too Much Weight On The Paddle While Standing Up

    This was my mistake when I first went paddle boarding. I got on my knees and started standing up. Minor wave hit my paddle board while i was standing as a tripod and I broke the SUP paddle. Continue reading article on