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    7 (Time) Travel Posters That Will Make You Go, “Whoa… That’d Be So Cool”

    If Netflix's 'Travelers' had an official travel agency…

    1. If reality has been hard to handle lately why not get away to a world before Brexit. Like the Jurassic Age.

    2. The cold and apocalyptic Ice Age.

    3. Or maybe you’re feeling artsy and want to get your hands dirty. With the Neanderthals, of course.

    4. And if you like to live on the edge, there's no place like an erupting volcano.

    5. If you can't wait for the new season of Westworld, you might want to try the Wild West.

    6. Dusty saloons not your thing? No worries, there’s always Atlantis.

    7. If Earth seems a little close to home, try Europa.