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    8 Gifts That'll Make You Feel Everything Again

    Sometimes you need to feel enormous, huge, as though the world isn’t going to melt and the sun isn’t going to collide into the Earth and what about that Universe’s giant heat death. Oh. Don’t worry. Relax. Here's 9 gifts that make it all better. Heck, they probably even make the Universe a little warmer.

    1. This Holiday Sloth

    2. This Death Star Bottle Stopper

    3. This Central Perk Cup

    4. This Cat Surfing Bacon

    5. These Pop Lip Smackers

    6. This Star Wars Poster

    7. These Watermelon Shorts

    8. This InstaMax Camera


    The Universe is going away and Trump was elected but at least it created these beautiful, busy gifts to go out with it in style and smiles.