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    The Women Behind The Pink Pussy Hats

    Pink Pussy knitted hats are the trendiest accessory being made for the Women's Marches taking place across the country on Saturday. These women are making them, giving them away, and knitting like crazy to have their message be heard. Why is this important to the parenting community? Because, these are your moms and daughters too...

    Mim Hoffman works in wardrobe for TV/Film and Theater. Her message? As a victim of sexual violence herself, she is going to fight the f*$k back.

    Luann Abrahams is an educator and writer. Her message? The incoming President of the United States believes his status entitles him to violate women with impunity. She's not going to forget that.

    Linda Li is a plastic surgeon who loves to knit. Her message? She believes that as women we stand stronger when we are together.

    Pussy Hat Project