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The Definitive Guide To The Do's And Don'ts Of Job Interviews

Interviews can be stressful, especially when it's one of your firsts. Don't worry, we've got the ultimate tips and tricks to make sure it goes off without a hitch.

Don't be a late jerk.

Don't be a creep with your handshake.

Dress for the job you want. Not the job you have.

Don't fidget, weirdo.

Don't talk smack about your former employer.

Smile, even if you're terrified.

Make sure your resume isn't embarrassing.

Be prepared to ask some questions.

Be yourself. Even if everything goes wrong.

Send a thank you note.

For more do's and don'ts in the workplace, check out "The Internship".

View this video on YouTube

Let's be real, it's mostly don'ts.