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    7 Dark Facts That Prove We're Worse Of Than We All Think

    This could be bad for all of us. It's probably already heading there. Read this piece by Eleadah C.

    7. #7 Donald Trump

    6. #6 Jesse Williams and Colin Kaepernick are the newest faces of racial justice.

    5. #5 The New York Bombing and Civil Unrest in North Carolina

    4. #4 Apathy about global socio-political issues

    3. # 3 Gentrification and Colonialism and Whiteness

    2. #2 Orwellian Media

    1. #1 Nature is dying out around us

    About the Author

    Eleadah is an organizer and author of The World Without Racism. Eleadah is passionate about creating effective change and being a leader in her community. She has a background in sociology with more than four years of applied research experience.