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12 Signs You're Secretly A Terrible Person

You know who you are...

1. You take more than one free sample at the grocery store.

2. You have a vanity license plate, and you're super proud of it.

3. You've never bothered to learn anything about your coworkers...

4. ...and you refuse to chip in for office birthdays.

5. The only cause you care about is what caused your hangover.

6. You never offer to be the designated driver for your crew...

7. ...but you're also a horrible drunk passenger.

8. You have zero respect for anyone's personal space.

9. You don't care if your actions hurt anyone (or anything).

10. You know exactly how to press your friends' buttons.

11. Your insult game is always on point.

12. You invent hashtags for yourself and use them in everyday conversation.

Images courtesy of NBC.

We're all a little terrible, right? Even people in The Good Place! Don’t miss the Season 2 premiere September 28 at 8:30/7:30c on NBC!