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    7 Steps Towards A Plastic Free Life

    Every single piece of plastic ever made still exists. We produce around 300 million tons of it every year - half of which is for single use, and scientists now predict that the ocean will contain more plastics than fish by 2050. It's clear we have a plastic problem. And although many of us have been saying no to single use plastics this month, it's time to start saying no full stop. With Plastic Free July nearly over - and many of us battling our way through just trying to avoid using plastic straws, bags, coffee cups and water bottles, going totally plastic free for the rest of the year seems like a daunting task - but one we really all should be working towards. To help get you through the rest of the month (and onwards), we've put together a list of alternative products, as well as all the information needed to motivate you to ditch plastic for good.

    1. Buy a reusable water bottle

    2. BYO bag

    3. Say no to plastic straws

    4. Get your own reusable coffee cup

    5. Ditch the pre-packed fruit and veg

    6. Use a bamboo toothbrush

    7. No more plastic wrap