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12 Classic Family Moments Caught On Vine

Before Vine, we relied on videotape to capture our family's most embarrassing moments. Relive hilarious memories by browsing through old home movies. Create new ones by getting the whole family together when The Goldbergs totally premieres Tuesday Sept. 24th on ABC.

1. The moment that dad realized you can talk back.

Josh Darnit / Via

2. But your sister has proof that you still have a lot to learn.

kenz / Via

3. The time you caught mom dancing along to that song she's always telling you to turn down.

Brittany Richardson / Via

4. Or her daily battle with Spandex.

5. So mom tried to get her payback... and immediately regretted it.

ladyli0n / Via

6. That one time your brother was actually honest about why he skipped school.

Bryce Conley!! / Via

7. But not as honest as grandma was in response to your "stupid" pregnancy prank.

Makeala_Cachola / Via

8. The moment right before dad grounded you...

Keith Allen Vanke / Via

9. At least you and your siblings know how to make chores a little more fun.

Jasmineeeee / Via

10. Your younger brother's unexpected reaction to a fake bug.

Briana Hewitt / Via

11. Or that time you reminded your sister who's boss.

Andres Salinas / Via

12. And who can forget dad's attempt at... um... "parenting."

See the classic family moments (aka the dirt) Adam Goldberg was able to capture on The Goldbergs!

Season one totally premieres Tuesday Sept. 24th on ABC.