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One of the most interesting YouTube artists, the guy who made the Alice In Wonderland remix that became one of the most popular internet videos of 2008 (and didn't even involve any FAILs!) is back with "Expialodocious," a remix using sound clips and footage from Mary Poppins. (via Videogum)

Rob B 14 years ago

Microsoft's Interactive "Project Natal"

Microsoft wants to kick the Nintendo Wii's ass: Introducing Project Natal, a revolutionary new way to play: no controller required. See a ball? Kick it, hit it, trap it or catch it. If you know how to move your hands, shake your hips or speak you and your friends can jump into the fun -- the only experience needed is life experience.

Rob B 14 years ago

USF Vs. UConn Baseball Team Dance-Off

A five-hour rain delay at a baseball game sucks, but the teams passing time by competing against each other in a dance-off makes things a little more entertaining.

Rob B 14 years ago

Idol's Kris Allen Sings Kanye's Heartless

This version of Heartless, covered by competitor Kris Allen, is just AWESOME. It's what would happen if Jack Johnson and Kanye had a terribly awesome accident while stuck together in a time machine… or that teleportation device from The Fly.

Rob B 14 years ago

Crazy Shower Smoking Man

I really don't know how to better describe this video of a man, taking a shower, screaming out "la la la la," while smoking, and making crazy faces. Yeah... that about does it.

Rob B 15 years ago

I Just Love 30 Rock

Watch in shock and terror as the creepiest guy you could ever imagine conducts the theme song to "30 Rock." I will have nightmares.

Rob B 15 years ago

Rock Out With The Lights On

Turn your speakers up to 11 and prepare to ROCK! Light Guitar Rock combines elements of photography, music and even video games into a colourful video experience. Using a photography technique called “light painting”, I took an individual photo for each fret and body component on my Gibson Les Paul and colourized each image in Photoshop. Using a piece of instrumental rock music I wrote myself, I synced the images corresponding to what fret was being played on the guitar in the song. And voila! You have this explosion of colour and sound known as Light Guitar Rock!

Rob B 15 years ago

Celebrity Twitter Overkill

Twitter's blowing up, in this sequel to Twouble with Twitters, when celebrities take over the twittersphere. Starring Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Perez Hilton, and P. Diddy as themselves.

Rob B 15 years ago

Queef in My Pants

This is the female response to SNL's "Jizz In My Pants." Strippers, jacuzzis, pepper jack cheese, and the brilliant lyric: "Your hair blows like a summer breeze, when I queefed in my pants."

Rob B 15 years ago