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12 Joyful Ways To Embrace An Imperfectly Perfect Christmas This Year

Because if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to cherish each special moment spent with loved ones — even the imperfectly perfect ones. ❤️

This year, The Body Shop wants to help spread the love and encourage little acts of kindness through their Christmas gift ideas. So from now until December 25, a percentage of every sale at The Body Shop will be donated, up to the value of $35,000, to Launch Housing — supporting women and children experiencing homelessness due to family violence.

1. Make peace with the fact that you're going to spend an entire evening putting up your Christmas tree – only to have it 'artfully redecorated' by your cat or dog.

2. Prioritise finally making the time to learn how to bake Grandma’s famous whiskey Christmas pudding this year.

3. Relish in the fact that you can’t think of a present for that difficult-to-buy-for person — because it means they have everything they want.

4. Enjoy shopping for those you love at The Body Shop — who will be giving back to those in need this Christmas.

5. Embrace the throwback tradition of sending holiday gift cards to everyone you love this Christmas.

6. Laugh at yourself when you realise you’ve left the pavlova on the bench, while making a mad dash out the door to get to Chrissy lunch on time.

7. Put your hand up to help out your parents in the kitchen with Christmas lunch — no matter how many times they say they've "got it sorted".

8. Consider gifting a little greener this year — your loved ones (and Mother Nature) will be all the more grateful for it.

9. Embrace being sat next to that one hilarious, outspoken uncle who always goes a bit hard on the Christmas vinos (yep, we all have one).

10. Take on a "treat yourself" mind frame and forget any potential breakouts that may occur after consuming too much sugary goodness on Christmas Day.

11. Believe in yourself when you start to question whether you can fit any more food in — and remember you’ve been training for this moment all year.

12. And finally, be grateful for the exhaustion as you start to fall in a heap on Christmas Day and wonder how you'll muster the energy to get to your next engagement.

So, let’s all try to celebrate the imperfectly perfect moments this festive season. Because the real magic of Christmas is always made together.

This festive season, The Body Shop wants to help you spread the love through little acts of kindness. Shop the range and help support women and children experiencing homelessness due to family violence. Find out more here.