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    10 Daily Doses Of Office SEXISM That Make You Want To Swing Your Tampon

    Ever sit across from your boss and wonder, 'Did the Suffragettes even happen though?'. Have you been a recipient of a barbed comment that left you thinking 'Pretty sure that was extremely inappropriate. I'm in denial right now so I won't say anything because I can't believe that just came out of your mouth'. Even in 2017 we are all faced by daily doses of institutional sexism which make you wanna fling that sanitary towel packet.

    1. You work all night on a killer report....

    You deliver it with zeal, confidence, and a pinch of prowess only to have your boss shush you mid-sentence to comment on how nice you look today.

    2. When your idea becomes 'their idea'...

    YOUR AWESOME pitch is received as 'unfeasible' and not logistically possible. Alas, one month later you get cc'd on an email that informs you about this 'BRILLIANT' and 'OUT-THERE' project that was definitely your brain-baby.

    3. You're in your mid-twenties but I'll call you a 'Good girl'.

    Well pat me on my the head and call me Bonny Wee Lass why don't you?

    4. When they ignore what you're saying and interrupt you to inform you that you 'You look reeeeal good in that pencil skirt.'

    Thank you, I did not realise that when I spend my hard earned cash on it.

    5. When you walk out of your manager's office and CATCH THEM..

    Gazing into your butt and you encounter A super awkward 5-seconds of eye-contact afterward.

    6. That office promotion..

    that you were promised but your inexperienced colleague, who happens to have dangly bits in-between their legs, happens to get.

    7. What do you mean you want a raise?

    This one speaks for itself.

    8. You're the office tea-maker.

    I have a vagina, therefore, I make tea. Fuck my first-class honours degree and five years experience, do you want a sandwich with that?

    9. I will use the 'little' as a preposition for everything you do.

    When you create a 3 month multi-platform marketting strategy that is referred to as a 'little plan'

    10. The office board room becomes a safari watering hole.

    Need I go into detail.