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Definitive Proof Juan Pablo Should Never Wear A Shirt

The new season of The Bachelor is really heating up. Make sure you catch the premiere on Sunday, Juan-uary 5th at 8|7c on ABC.

For the best experience, press play.

Juan Pablo. TAKE. IT. OFF.

Those abs. That chest. Those arms.

Why on EARTH would a shirt keep these beautiful gifts from God away from our eyes?

Juan Pablo, are your shoulders tense? Or is that just us?

Laundry would be so much more fun on those washboard abs.

That lower ab V thing should never, EVER be covered with fabric.

That perfectly toned back on an adorable dad? Excuse us, we need a cold shower.

Oh no. He's already in the shower with those perfect arms. Oh. My. God.

Juan, your chiseled chest gets our final rose.

Tune in to see these abs and more on the two-night premiere on Sunday, Juan-uary 5th at 8|7c on ABC.