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    Storytime About How I Think There Was A Kidnapper Circling My School

    Also, this was when I was young. This wasn't recent. (the thumbnail is also not my old school)

    I think this happened in either third or fourth grade, I don't remember. I never saw this, but my best friend Kelly did, so the credit for this story goes to her.

    So our school had this big field that a lot of kids would play on. We'd play soccer, hang out and chill, etc. Most of the time, we'd just hang out by the gate, but I'm 99% this storytime is why we then changed our hangout spot to the back of the field.

    So me, Kelly, my friend Emily, and Natalia had always been hanging out by the gate. My school had two gates: The south gate, which most students would use, and the north gate, which less (but still many) students would use. According to Kelly, she said she saw an old man staring at us and walking back and forth across the south gate. Keep in mind, WE were near the south gate.

    So, about two years later, I heard this story from Kelly in fifth grade. My school had about 1,700 students, and I started thinking that the weird man she saw was a kidnapper.

    I never saw the man, so if he really was a kidnapper, I'm praying he never kidnapped anyone from my school.

    If this guy really was a kidnapper, I'm assuming that he mostly kidnapped young girls because we were around 8 to 10, and he was staring at us.

    So, yeah! That's the story! Comment below YOUR storytimes for being featured in future posts! Also, comment if you want more storytimes like this.