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    This $17 French Moisturizer Is Amazon’s Best-Kept Beauty Secret

    The Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré is a multi-tasking hidden gem of a facial cream.

    We see a lot of beauty and skincare products here, some of which make a lasting impression despite the constant influx of competition.

    This bestselling shea butter-based formula also doubles as a makeup primer.

    I was persuaded to try the all-purpose wonders of this face cream several years ago, and I can confirm the hype is well deserved. If you’re a makeup-wearer, you know that when your base isn’t right, your foundation can pill, products will separate and dry patches will look woefully exaggerated.

    That’s one of the reasons why Embryolisse is a regular fixture in the kits of professional makeup artists. Many claim that the shea butter-based formula functions both as a nourishing hydrator and the perfect makeup primer thanks to the rich and emollient texture that prevents foundation from sinking into fine lines. This also makes it a great option for mature skin, one makeup artist previously told HuffPost.

    Supermodel Karlie Kloss even sang its praises back in 2009 when asked about her favorite beauty secrets.

    As someone with extremely dry and sensitive skin, I’m personally impressed with the level of moisture this cream provides without being greasy or heavy. It manages to absorb extremely well into the skin while leaving the slightest bit of tack so that makeup layers well and sticks seamlessly on top.

    Three models using the moisturizer

    According to the brand, their iconic formula actually hails from the 1950s and has been virtually unchanged since. It stays true to a sensitive-skin-friendly composition that includes calming aloe vera, protective beeswax, nourishing soy proteins, and skin-softening shea butter.
    Although these ingredients may seem simple, it’s a combination that really underscores the phrase “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”

    You, too, can partake in this timeless formulation, whether a makeup-wearer or otherwise, for just $16.

    Promising reviews:

    Get it from Amazon for $16.15+ (available in two sizes).

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.