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    If You Want Your Jewelry To Last, Experts Say You Need These 9 Lifesavers

    Maintain and extend the life of your pieces (whether they're valuable or just costume jewelry) with these polishing cloths, tarnish removers, and more.

    Admittedly, my jewelry stash is the last thing I think about cleaning regularly, but a recent HuffPost story had me realizing that routine jewelry maintenance is essential. Not just for making sure my adored pieces stay looking their best, but to ensure they’ll last as long as possible.

    A sonic jewelry cleaner, a polishing cloth and tarnish-removing pads.

    “Platinum or gold set with diamonds can be cleaned frequently. Colorful gemstones are softer, and they should be treated gently and cleaned infrequently,” she said.

    But be extra careful with pieces containing opals and pearls, as those should be cleaned just with polishing and not using any liquid solutions, Paasche cautioned.

    “Preventative care is just as important as regular cleaning,” said Andrej Strojin, the CEO and co-founder of New England-based jewelry company Haverhill.

    “Avoid getting lotions, sunscreen, perfume, and harsh household cleaners (such as bleach) on your jewelry to best maintain its’ shine,” he said. 

    For a more in-depth understanding of the specific material of your jewelry and how to clean it, refer to our previous coverage.

    But if you already know what you’re working with and are ready to shine your jewelry into optimal brilliance, keep reading to see our jeweler-recommended cleaning products below.

    1. A polishing cloth

    A Sunshine polishing cloth stored in a tube

    2. Illuminating tarnish-removing pads

    A jar of tarnish-removing pads with several of the pads stacked on top

    3. An ultra-sonic jewelry cleaner

    A Magnasonic jewlery cleaning device

    4. A plant-based concentrate for sonic cleaners

    A bottle of Calyptus jewelry cleaner concentrate

    5. A classic dish soap formula

    A bottle of blue Dawn Ultra dish soap

    6. A mild castile soap

    A bottle of Seven Minerals pure castile soap

    7. Ultra-soft micro-bristled toothbrushes

    Two toothbrushes, one black and one white, against a purple background

    8. A jewelry-cleaning shine stick

    A Clean and Care Sparkle and Shine stick, uncapped, for cleaning jewelry

    9. A stackable set of velvet-lined storage trays

    A set of four, white, stackable, velvet-lined trays for organizing jewelry