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    17 Facts About Childbirth Throughout History That'll Make You Gasp And Cringe

    Pregnant women used to drink beer during labor!

    Unless otherwise noted, all facts came from Randi Hutter Epstein's Get Me Out:
    A History of Childbirth From the Garden of Eden to the Sperm Bank

    1. Pregnant women — and their midwives — used to drink beer during labor.

    2. And they were also expected to serve cake to anyone who was in the room with them as they gave birth.

    3. The word "gossip" originated with the people attending births.

    4. In 1591, a woman was burned at the stake for taking a pain reliever while giving birth to twins.

    5. The first pregnancy book was written by a man who had never seen nor studied childbirth.

    6. Before Lane Bryant invented the first line of maternity wear in the early 1900s, women wore corsets through most of their pregnancy, even though corsets were thought to crush reproductive organs and suffocate babies.

    7. Chainsaws, the horror-movie murder weapon of choice, were invented for aid in childbirth.

    8. In maternity wards in 17th century France, it was common for 3-5 women to share a bed during labor.

    9. In 1965, a patent was filed for a "birthing apparatus" which would spin pregnant women around at as much as 7G until their baby was flung out from the centrifugal force.

    10. Many midwives were burned at the stake as witches.

    11. Forceps were invented by a family who kept the design of their invention a secret for almost 200 years.

    12. A book written in 1835 told women to soothe their sore post-baby ladyparts with a mixture of milk and bread, or leeches.

    13. Queen Victoria popularized having drugs during delivery.

    14. An early 20th-century book once advised obstetricians to put pressure on the clitoris to help deliver a baby and ease pain.

    15. The C-section was probably NOT named after Julius Caesar.

    16. They used to be called "C-operations," not "C-sections".

    17. And until the late 1800s, C-sections were only performed on women who were about to die from childbirth.