This Man's Drawings Of Life With His Wife And Kids Are So Sweet, You Might Tear Up

    These are getting all up in my feels.

    Curtis Wiklund is a wedding photographer who, over the past few years, has taken to drawing memorable moments of his life with his wife, Jordin, and their children, Casen and Hayden.

    All of his sketches are lovely and poignant, but some, like this one that shows the family of four reading a book together in bed, are especially sweet.

    Wiklund said he draws whatever moves him in the moment. Sometimes, it's the different phases of how he and his wife sleep in their bed.

    Other times, it's their son asking for a little ~assistance~ in the bathroom.

    Wiklund's been drawing what he calls his "Us" sketches since 2011, but in 2016 they took on a heavier meaning when he and his wife suffered a miscarriage.

    "That moment started something new; I could process through art," he added. "In that moment, the drawing felt more real than what I was able to demonstrate in real life. I was just sad."

    Wiklund also expressed their attempts at moving on and getting closure from the experience through drawing.

    But as in life, Wiklund's drawings also express happier times — this one shows the moment he and Jordin discovered that she was pregnant again.

    Wiklund's made enough sketches that he and Jordin turned them into a book called Us, which came out in December.

    The book, along with his drawings, "makes me feel less alone, and if I can do that for someone else, then I’m very glad to have shared them and not kept them secret," Wiklund said.

    "Some people have said the drawings have actually increased their own love for their spouse or kids," Wiklund said. "This wrecks me, that something so beautiful could happen as a result of me sharing the things I care about."

    After all, how could 100% accurate drawings like this not resonate with people?

    To see more of Wiklund's drawings, visit his website.