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    Now You Can Buy And Fail At Building A Bicycle From Ikea, Too

    Assembly required, duh.

    Ah, Ikea, the big, beautiful, boxy home to so many things we all need...

    ...and don't need.

    And starting in February, shoppers in US Ikea stores can add another thing to their overflowing carts: Bicycles!

    The Sladda, which is already available online, is a cargo bicycle designed for city living, which means its aluminum frame is lightweight enough to carry up and down subway steps.

    The trailer is an additional $169, but is great for transporting all your stuff around town.

    In a press release, Ikea described the bike as "truly a complete system that supports living a sustainable and healthy life in the city."

    "With more and more people living in urban places, there’s an increased need for easy and flexible transportation," it added. "Having a car in a city is often not a practical solution." Scandinavian cities like Copenhagen, where the bicycle is already sold, are built for two-wheeled transportation, which is widely used by locals.

    So anyway, that's nice and all, but you're probably wondering what the assembly instructions look like for a fine velocipede like this one.

    Here's a sneak peek at one of the instruction pages.

    So if you're feeling handy and want a moderately priced bicycle, you know what to do.