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I Just Found Out Why Water Bottles Have Expiration Dates, And I'm Pretty Relieved

Mind = blown.

If you're anything like me, you sometimes stop and read the plastic water bottles you're drinking out of to find out which exotic glacier it was sourced from, or who drew the pretty mountain scene on the label.

Which means you've probably noticed that the bottles also have expiration dates printed on them.

That's right, expiration dates, like a gallon of milk! What is up with that, people?

Well, folks, there is an answer, and it'll make you gulp your water a little more easily. Apparently, the expiration date is a mixture of corporate and government BS!

Water, like all consumable food products, is required by law to have an expiration date. So even though water itself never really goes bad, a date gets slapped on the bottle anyway.

So, how do they select the date? Turns out, it's pretty arbitrary. For starters, water bottling companies are lazy.

And the expiration dates are just one part of a bigger code that all water bottles must have.

So there you have it! And in case you're still a little ~nervous~ about coming down with a case of water bottle poisoning, please relax.

Drink up!