The US Is Finally Catching On To This Idea From Finland That Saves Babies' Lives

    Baby boxes are a thing, and they're incredible.

    As of January 26, 2017, New Jersey is giving new parents an offer they can't refuse: Free (!!!) maternity packages filled with things like diapers, wipes, and clothes, all packed in a cardboard box that doubles as a baby bed.

    The concept has roots in Finland, where hospitals have been handing out maternity packages to new parents since 1938.

    But the most revolutionary thing about the boxes is that since they were introduced in Finland, the country's infant mortality rate has dropped to one of the lowest in the whole word.

    New Jersey's cardboard boxes, can also double as a bed if needed, and will contain diapers, baby wipes, a onesie, and nipple cream, among other necessities.

    Just like in Finland, New Jersey aims to decrease infant deaths through education. Parents in New Jersey hoping to get a baby box must first complete Baby Box University, an online parenthood preparedness course.

    Once parents read up and take a quiz on childcare and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) prevention, they can either have a box delivered to their home or pick one up.

    With any luck, the cardboard boxes will catch on in the US like they have in Finland.