13 Ways To Avoid Being *That* Coworker Who Gets Everyone Sick This Year

    Fun fact: A single sneeze can fill an entire room with germs.

    Every single winter, I spend at least one day side-eyeing *that* person who comes into work sniffling, sneezing, and spraying their germs everywhere.

    1. First things first: Learn how to wash your hands the right way, and do it often.

    If you're still not grossed out or convinced, remember this:

    2. Anyway, FYI, washing your hands is basically worthless if you don't dry them after.

    3. Beware the nastiness of surfaces in common areas.

    4. That means you have to wash your hands after you blow your nose, people!!!!!

    5. Load up on hand sanitizer. Bathe in it, as far as I'm concerned.

    6. But know that hand sanitizer won't protect you from everything.

    7. If you need to sneeze but don't have a tissue handy, your elbow will do just fine.

    8. If you're coughing and/or sneezing and have the option to stay home*...stay the fuck home.

    9. And if you can't stay home from work, isolate yourself as much as you possibly can.

    10. Don't expect a face mask to magically shield everyone from your germies.

    11. Don't just gulp down a bunch of medication willy-nilly.

    12. And if you have a cold, stay hydrated.

    13. And one last thing: Please, I beg of you, get a damn flu shot if you haven't already.

    Be careful this winter, y'all.