Origami Made Of Flowers Is Just As Cute And Pretty As You'd Expect

    This makes pulling weeds so much more fun.

    I don't know what you do with the stray flowers, weeds, and leaves in your lawn or garden, but chances are, it's not as cute as this.

    Twitter user @kusabanaasobi makes little animals and origami out of all kinds of plants, and they're all as freakin' adorable as this dandelion panda.

    Can you believe?!

    This dandelion found a new life as a tiny lil' bird!

    Who needs real taxidermy when you have these leaf creations?!

    Here, you can watch as they masterfully transform a gingko leaf into a butterfly.

    イチョウの葉で蝶をつくります☘ 簡単なのでぜひ試してみてほしい草花遊び(イチョウは木ですが💦)です! イチョウの黄葉を愛でながら綺麗な落ち葉でぜひ蝶を作ってみて下さい♡

    And if you love classic crane origami, then you'll definitely like this crane made out of leaves.

    There are so many fun videos and photos on the account that I can't wait for it to actually get warm outside and try making some of my own!

    踊るタンポポちゃんです。 2年前に考えたナガミヒナゲシ とタンポポで作る操り人形『花シェンコさん』を改良しました。 私は気に入っているのですが、息子たちは若干白い目…💧 よく動いて楽しいのですが…🍀