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Guys, The Olympics Need MORE Marriage Proposals, Not Fewer

Diamond rings > Olympic rings.

Something's a little...different...about the Olympics this year, and you might've noticed it.

No, it's not the cool 3D swag medalists are getting, and it's not the super cool green pool water, either.

It's the veritable spate —spate, I tell you! — of marriage proposals, the likes of which we've maybe never seen in another Olympics.

Now, not everyone's thrilled about this heavy injection of love.

Unfortunately for these haters, my official and EXTREMELY scientific / mathematical calculations determine there will probably be at least one (1) more proposal before the games end on Sunday. But honestly, there should be WAY more than that. Here are just a few reasons why:

1. No pole vault pit or Olympic-sized pool of water can hold someone the way their lover can.

2. A metal disk on a lanyard is cool, but you know what's really cool? A fuckin' ring.

3. You think winning a medal is impressive? Try winning another human's undying love and affection!!!!

4. And while we're at it, physical strength is obviously very important, but consider how much exercise and control goes into the form of a proposal stance.

5. Because at the end of the day, we may not be able to agree on which country or athlete is best, but we can all agree on love.

In conclusion, the Olympics + love = magic.

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