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The Best Ways To Treat Yourself, As Explained By Your Cat

Tips for living the good life from someone who knows it better than all of us.

1. A weekend away is nice, but a brand-new cardboard box is even better.

2. Who needs a Bermuda vacay when you can just sit on this fridge?

3. Splurging on a movie is fine, but this squirrel is really bringing the drama.

4. No deep-tissue massage can compare to just rubbing against some random table.

5. Find your zen in a secret, secret place.

6. Sure, lounging in a hot tub is lovely — but nothing can compare to kicking back in the sink.

7. Make sure "me" time has an emphasis on "me."

8. Never miss a chance to get a little Vitamin D.

9. Find the perfect red-dot clearance. It costs literally nothing (and might just be in my head).

10. 💅 Get 💅 your 💅 nails 💅 did 💅.

You treat yourself. So why not treat your cat? Treat Them Too™ with Temptations Cat Treats.

View this video on YouTube

Illustrations by Son Tuyen Huynh.