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11 Ways You Can Have A Positive Impact On Your Community

From the smallest acts of kindness to generous endeavors, anyone can make a difference in their community. See who else inspires us and how we’re saying thanks with #TDThanksYou.

1. Be the glue that holds your group together.

Two friends sit and talk on a bench outside

2. Donate your time and skills to worthy causes.

A group of volunteers helps construct the frame of a home

3. Say "hello" to someone.

A group of people greet a newcomer into their circle

4. Find a trash can for that bit of litter blowing down the street.

A person recycles a bottle

5. Join a hobby meetup group.

A group of garden enthusiasts plant and revitalize a lot space

6. Leave a positive review for a local business.

A small business owner talks with someone ordering food

7. Pay it forward when you can.

Two hands reach across a frame for each other

8. Lead a neighborhood initiative.

A group of volunteers pack nonperishable goods in a box to donate

9. Coach a youth sports team.

An adult coach with a youth sports team huddling

10. Don't be a bystander.

A person pats a friend on the back

11. Participate in a mentorship program.

An adult teaches kinds about wildlife in a creek

Simple acts of kindness can bring about the best in any community. Check out how #TDThanksYou celebrated some amazing customers and the inspiring work they do every day.

Imagery from Getty.