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    The 10 Sweetest Big Bang Moments

    “Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, little ball of fur…”

    10: A Christmas Miracle

    Sheldon gives Penny a hug after receiving an incredible gift from her that means so much to him.

    9: Raj can talk to women.

    They realize Raj is talking to penny Sober

    8: Karaoke night

    Howard singing the final song to Bernie.

    7: Soft Kitty

    6: Toast to Howard’s Mom

    5: Penny’s wedding vows

    4: Penny’s romance box

    3: Penny tells Amy’s mom to sit down

    During Sheldon and Amy’s wedding Sheldon and Amy are taking a while doing science and Amy’s mom thought Sheldon stood her up. Penny asks where she’s going and Amy’s mom explains. Penny says, “Sit down. Sheldon loves Amy. He wouldn’t hurt her on her wedding day or any other day so park it!” That moment made their friendship even stronger and made all true fans cry.

    2: The elevator was fixed

    1: Sheldon’s speech

    Did you agree with my picks let us know in the comments. Like if you want more TBBT material.