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    18 Hair Products To Try If You’re Working To Rehabilitate Your Curls

    If your curls are lookin' a little on the dead side, check out these products.

    1. A coconut oil-rich leave-in cream you can let air dry for perfectly smooth and hydrated curls!

    Reviewer showing results of using OGX air-dry cream
    Reviewer after using OGX air-dry cream

    Promising review: "I put this on my wet hair and let it dry, and it hydrates my wavy hair and accentuates the waves and curls while still leaving the hair soft and bouncy." —Bev W

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97.

    2. A Color Wow anti-frizz spray that'll help combat humidity by repelling moisture. Just blow-dry to activate!

    a reviewer with shiny curls
    another reviewer with curls

    Promising review: "I really suffer in the humidity of summer. My hair turns frizzy and wavy, but not a cute wavy. If I try to straighten my hair and then go outside, it looks like I have done nothing. If I try to curl my hair, it looks like a rats' nest after 30 minutes. So I decided to do some research and found this product being mentioned over and over. It seemed simple enough to use, so I bought it. I used it all last summer and I have started using it this spring. This product really is the best at fighting humidity. The barrier it creates on the hair really does resist the moisture and keep styled hair looking good for days! And it holds up after a few washes as promised." —krisvan

    Get it from Amazon for $28.

    3. A revitalizing hair protein treatment to help condition and repair your dry, damaged, and over-processed hair. TBH I'm already obsessed with your hair evolution!

    reviewer pulling strand of healthy type four hair
    reviewer with healthy looking curly wavy hair

    Promising reviews: "I have 4c hair and was looking for a protein treatment for my thin and fragile hair. I had recently used a product in my hair that had so much alcohol in it that it wreaked havoc on my hair, leaving it pretty damaged. I was very skeptical about this product because I have never seen anyone with my hair type use it. Boy was I wrong to doubt this product. It left my hair looking and feeling beautiful. I highly recommend it to anyone with natural or curly hair." —Therese-Claire

    Get it from Amazon for $8.43.

    4. An eight-second L'Oréal lamellar rinse-out treatment for shinier, silkier hair in, well, eight seconds.

    A reviewer with defined coily hair
    another older reviewer with short blonde curls

    Use this two to three times per week after shampooing your hair, and remember not to use it on your scalp. This treatment is just for the length of your hair.

    Promising review: "I don’t usually do reviews on products, but for this one I absolutely have to. I have 3c-type hair and struggle with a lot a breakage, unmanageability, and moisture. When my mom mentioned this product to me I didn’t take her seriously because of the simple fact that we have two completely different hair textures. I never would've thought this brand would work on my hair. I have always used ethnic hair products and stayed away from brands such as this one. I have never in my 22 years felt my hair like this. I feel like I have a completely different head of hair. This product is so amazing and I will FOREVER be using this product in my hair regimen. Thank you so much!! ♥️" —Theressa Hailey

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

    5. A super soft Camille Rose twisting butter so you can get perfect twists, which lead to a perfect twist-out! Rich in magnesium, this cream may help condition everything from your scalp all the way to your ends.

    Camille Rose is a Black woman-owned haircare business!

    Promising review: "Works so well to instantly define my curls and keeps them moisturized. And it smells soooo good." —Marsha

    Get it from Amazon for $14.98.

    6. A delightfully scented foaming mousse formulated with coconut and shea oils that'll help to hydrate hair, define curls, and combat frizz. It's also a great mousse to use atop natural protective styles like knotless braids.

    a reviewer with shiny, loose curls
    another reviewer with short, shiny, coils

    Promising review: "Possibly better than Deva Curl foam mousse, and I can buy six of these for the price of one Deva Curl. This stuff is awesome. I have type 2c curly hair, that, without mass product, gets like Krusty the Clown frizzy. I've loosely been following curly girl routines, sulfate/paraben/yada-yada free shampoo and conditioner, curly girl microfiber towel, satin pillowcase, the whole nine yards. I usually have to put serum, mousse, and sometimes hairspray in it to make it look decent, but then it's all crunchy. I used this stuff on my damp hair, and let it air dry, and my hair looked so nice, and it was soft too, not crunchy. I actually had some nice curls form. So if you're at the end of your rope with your unruly hair, give this stuff a try, and if it doesn't work for you, it was only $4, not $24." —MrsT 111111

    Get it from Amazon for $3.98 (also available in a two-pack).

    7. Or a Marc Anthony curl-enhancing styling foam enriched with vitamin E and silk amino acids for drawing in and locking in moisture. Get ready for luscious, shiny, and voluminous curls that last all day long!

    Promising review: "I've always had a natural light curl in my hair, which many products that I have used have wiped out. This was my first time using this product and I'm very impressed. I have more of my natural curls back and a hold that lasts throughout the day (on top of a lot of compliments). The scent is a very light citrus that is pretty much unnoticeable, which is a big plus to me. Happy that I have found a product that actually works." —Ty

    Get it from Amazon for $6 (also available in a two-pack).

    8. An aloe and coconut oil–based pre-shampoo treatment because it'll help minimize breakage and strengthen hair. It's also designed to detangle and condition so that when you go to cleanse, your hair is easier to manage.

    Promising review: "I have dry 4a–b natural hair and it tangles easily, but this stuff has made my wash days so much easier. You might have to use a few handfuls to completely cover your hair depending on your length/thickness but it's worth it to me. The key is to finger comb through your tresses, or use a wide tooth comb; brushes are a no-no. The slip going through my kinky curls is incredible, and the smell is a light coconut scent. Styling my hair after has become a breeze. Hair ending up in the sink/shower has been minimized greatly! I can't even imagine how I got through my wash days before without it. I hope they never stop making it. One extremely satisfied customer here *thumbs up*." —The Fancy One

    Get it from Amazon for $7.49+ (available in three sizes).

    9. A sulfate-free four-piece Aussie hair care set consisting of shampoo, conditioner, shaping jelly, and stretching cream. They're made with cocoa butter and macadamia nut oil, so you can be sure you'll be able to tame frizz and quench your hair's thirst.

    Promising review: “I bought this product by chance. I had never heard of it but it came up on Amazon while I was looking for new haircare products but when I saw the word coils I knew that was specific to my hair type so I took a chance on it and I’m SO happy I did! I’ve never bought a product from Aussie in my life and finally they made something for my 4c hair. My coils are so tight that most products don’t really define them properly because they’re meant for curls. This product makes my hair soft, supple, and smell incredible.” —DD 

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99.

    10. A detangling Denman curly hair brush whose staggered rows of round-ended nylon pins will help define your curls and smooth your hair. If you're looking for knot-free, ribbon-like curls, this might just be the brush for you.

    a reviewer with shiny, tight ribbon-like curls
    image of reviewer with blonde, ribbon-like curls

    Promising review: "It truly is a nice, perfectly sized, lightweight hair brush for detangling mini-fro, short, tightly coiled natural hair!!! It glides through my curls with ease, whether my hair is wet or completely dry. Depending on the desired style, it can also be used to create various (short) hair styles and/or perform a variety of techniques!! THANK YOU!!" —DLTolliver

    Get it from Amazon for $18.70+ (available in five colors/patterns).

    11. A vegan rice water shampoo bar if you're looking for something that'll be kind to your curls *and* the planet. This sulfate- and paraben-free shampoo can also help prevent the splitting of dry and color-treated hair. 

    Promising review: "I ditched my liquid shampoo and switched to this. In a few washings my hair is healthier and my natural curls returned. My hair is shiny and I lost the frizz." —Irma Gonzalez

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    12. An Ouidad curl energizing and refreshing spray that'll leave no residue as it nourishes your hair. Looking for lasting curl definition? Try this! It's also got botanical extracts to help give your hair life.

    before image of a model with frizzy less defined curls and an after image of the same model with frizz free bouncy curls

    Promising review: "This stuff is amazing! I have fine, curly hair and it's the only stuff that tames the frizz. I've been using it for several years now and haven't found anything that works the same. It is best used on dry, second day curls. It 'brings curls back to life' so to speak." —Sandra M.

    Get it from Amazon for $22+ (available in two sizes).

    13. A cruelty-free ArtNaturals argan oil hair mask to help heal and hydrate damaged hair. Containing organic ingredients, this sulfate- and paraben-free moisturizer will help wash away excess oils and dirt.

    reviewer holding up open container of the hair mask
    reviewer pic before and after showing how the mask made their hair curlier

    Promising review: "I love it! It has a wonderful smell that is not at all overwhelming. It's a nice creamy consistency, so it's easy to put in your hair. This product has worked wonders on my hair. I saw instant results the first time I used it. I'm African American and have natural hair. This product brought moisture to my hair and made it A LOT curlier! I really love this and will most likely buy it again." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    Read our full ArtNaturals aragan oil hair mask deep dive to learn more!

    14. A Bed Head diffuser hair dryer whose ceramic tech will help tame frizz without causing heat damage. There's even a cool air button for setting your curly hair in the style you want!

    reviewer using the diffuser on their curly hair
    another reviewer with dry, curly hair

    Promising review: "I’ve used lots of diffusers over the years, but none of them have been effective as this one. It dries my hair and builds in volume and curls. I don’t wash my hair daily, so on days when my hair is dry, I dampen it lightly with my fingers and dry it again. Sometimes I’ll use a curling cream to create more dramatic curls, but they are softer without the product, and I can go longer without a wash. This is a super dryer for enhancing your curls." —J M

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97.

    15. A sulfate- and paraben-free Ouidad heat and humidity gel because it'll help seal your strands and define your curls while locking out humidity so you don't have to deal with frizz. Feel free to air-dry your hair after applying this lightweight gel!

    reviewers hair after using the Ouidad gel
    another reviewer's long curly frizz-free hair

    Promising review: "I live in an area of the country that is very humid and hot during the summer. I always struggled to get my curl pattern to stay and to not become a frizzy mess during the summer months. I finally stumbled upon this product and instantly fell in love. My curl pattern returned instantly and the anti-frizz factor was incredible. It is now my holy grail product in the summer. It can be used alone or I layer a hard hold gel, like Aussie Instant Freeze, over it for more days without a refresh. It also seems to hold up well for most other months as well, until the humidity drops too low and the glycerin in it doesn't do well." —hodagkins

    Get it from Amazon for $10+ (available in three sizes).

    16. A set of satin pillowcases so you can protect your hair (and skin) from the abrasiveness of cotton pillowcases. Its luxurious silkiness will also make you feel like the royalty you are. 👑

    two pillows in coral silk pillowcases on a bed

    Promising review: "I bought this to help protect my curls from frizz caused by friction and to prevent my curls from drying out at night. I definitely noticed a difference after the first use. And it is cute and luxurious." —Jenny F.

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in five sizes and 36 colors).

    17. A low-lather cleanser for bouncy, shiny curls without all the frizz. Add moisture to your hair with this slightly sudsy formula. Less foam, more fierce!

    Promising review: "Honestly, I never thought that curl-specific hair shampoo/conditioner was all that important. My curls look way better, are less frizzy, and are easier to manage. Highly recommend this product to anyone with curls." —R. Armstrong

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    18. A coconut and hibiscus SheaMoisture styling milk that's made with thick, curly hair in mind. Apply to damp hair to control frizz and reduce breakage. Defined and manageable curls, here we come!

    A reviewer showing off her tight curls after using the style milk
    The back of a reviewers head after using the product

    Promising review: "My hair needed this!!! This product is really good if you have thick and full hair. I hadn’t realized how dry my hair was until I started using this. I’m new to curly hair, so I’m still trying to train my hair. Not Your Mother's cream wasn’t hydrating enough for my hair so a friend recommended this to me and the difference is amazing. My hair looks so shiny now. It’s really good for forming and holding curls, but doesn’t leave my hair crunchy. My curls feel soo soft and hydrated." —Alexis Z

    Get it from Amazon for $8.70.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.